Page 17 - The Edge - Fall 2018
P. 17


                          BY DON HARRIS

                          Technology Is Making School Buses Even Safer

        Marsha Severyn
           High definition cameras placed in strategic spots on school  alcohol tests, their driving record is checked frequently, and
        buses give drivers a better view of the perimeter and make it  they are trained to handle safety, security and emergency
        safer for children to exit.                            situations. Severyn said.
           Marsha Severyn, Sales Manager for Seon’s School Bus    “But all that is not enough,” Severyn said.
        Division, emphasized that school buses are the safest way for   The adoption of school bus technology has increased sharply
        kids to get to and from school, but technology can make it even  since 2000, including the addition of high-definition cameras
        safer.                                                 that can record the license plate numbers of a vehicle that
           In a breakout session at AASBO’s Summer Conference and  passes a stopped bus, she said. Currently, 80 percent of school
        Expo on the Evolution of School Bus Technology and What’s  bus fleets are equipped with cameras. Citing the advances in
        Next, Severyn said school buses are safer than being driven in  technology, Severyn said that in 2000 buses had one camera
        a car, walking or riding a bicycle.                    and a VCR. By 2005, they had two to four digital cameras with
           School buses are designed to be safer than any other vehicle,   DVRs. In 2016 they had access to up to 16 high-definition
        equipped with flashing red lights, cross view mirrors, stop sign  channels, live GPS technology, wi-fi downloading, could track
        arms, protective seating, rollover protection, and their size,  driver behavior, monitor perimeter safety and had real-time
        height and color – plus laws specific to school buses, she said.  notification in case of a problem.
           In addition, school bus drivers are trained in student
        behaviors, they undergo pre-employment random drug and                                Continued on page 18


           Making sure the schools of today meet tomorrow’s needs.

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        FALL 2018  |  THE EDGE                                                                                    17
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