Page 20 - The Edge - Fall 2018
P. 20


            BY DON HARRIS
            Schools Are Targets of Cyber Attacks

            — A Response Plan Can Ease the Pain

           Cyber attacks on school systems are increasing nationwide,   • In California, a
        which emphasizes the need for heightened security measures  high-school junior
        and detailed advance planning.                         hacked into his school
           It’s not a case of if your school will be attacked, but when,  district’s computer
        said Ruth Unks, President of Timberland Consulting, in a  network  and  copied
        breakout session at AASBO’s Summer Conference and Expo.  students’   Social
        Other presenters on the topic of developing a cyber incident   Security numbers and
        response  plan  for  your  district  were  David  Sanders,  Chief  other confidential
        Technology Officer, Mesa Public Schools, and Ted LeSueur,  information.  District   David Sanders  Ruth Unks
        Chief Information Security Officer, Arizona School Risk  officials had no choice but to send letters to all families advising
        Retention Trust.                                       them to take measures to protect their children’s records from
           Unks displayed an example of what looked like a notice from  possible fraud.
        Microsoft in 2017 directing Denver public school employees   • In Ohio, a 13-year-old deleted student records from a
        to reset their passwords. It was a phishing attempt. Thirty  school district’s electronic reading program. School officials
        employees did as they were directed, and the thieves got away  found themselves in trouble as well when it was revealed the
        with $40,000, Unks said.                               district had failed to back up the files onto a separate server.
           Here are other examples of schools hit by cyber criminals:
                                                                                              Continued on page 21

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