Page 22 - Mancave Sept 2021.cdr
P. 22

Is it any wonder that gay people don't want anything to   The situation is confounded when it comes to being
      do with the church? If the people are holding “turn or    transgender. Although this is, strangely, more cut-and-
      burn” posters on the kerbside and then rush off to mass,   dried than the other issues, it is the most challenging.
      or praise and worship on Sundays, these are the very      People on the outside become totally confused when
      people in need of counselling. The Bible implores us not   confronted with these situations, so don't even accept
      to judge, yet that gets tossed aside when prejudice and   it's a reality. They simply move on. They don't even
      emotions are at play.                                     know, and don't care, what transgender is.

      So, the person who has a sexually identity crisis must    To put it in a nutshell, it is this – to identify as
      cope with so many issues. For that person, the world is   transgender (or trans), you simply know that your
      against him or her. Yet there is something inside that    gender identity is not the same as the sex you were born
      person that needs to be addressed, urgently and           with. I say “simply” when it is anything but. It's no
      empathetically. That person, if a youngster, may be       wonder that people go “huh?”, and it's also
      lucky enough to have understanding parents who can        understandable that they have such feelings.
      guide the son or daughter to a position of acceptance.
      Often, however, there is a brutal denial that must coped   However, just because you may have these feelings
      with on top of everything else. The situation then is very   doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Today, the percentage of
      dire.                                                     trans people coming out is staggering. It seems more
                                                                and more are courageous enough to bring their personal
      But going back to the question “Am I gay?” which          crises forward and are determined to do something
      admittedly sounds incredibly naïve, the possibility is    about it.
      decidedly “Yes”. The very fact that you are questioning
      the issue means that there is something there. Straight   Everything becomes more complex when the trans
      people rarely have such issues. They don't even give it   person does not identify with male or female genders. In
      a second thought. Also, just because you listen to        these cases, the gender is classed as “non-binary”. You
      Barbra Streisand or Broadway showtunes non-stop           will have long left most straight people behind in a mass
      doesn't make you gay! There's a distinct possibility here,   of confusion and bewilderment, but don't let that deter
      but I jest.                                               you. You know your issues and you don't have to hide in
                                                                the shadows. I can't imagine someone coming out as
      Okay, there may have been messing about with              trans, or anything other than straight, in the 60s, but      It is important that you contact a LGBTQ centre and talk   The medical trans issue is a hotbed of uncertainty. Yet
      members of the same sex, but overall, that's all that it is.   today it's a mix-and-match of specialities.             about your issues with people who will understand.        many are content following their procedures. The crucial
      It's easy to read all sorts of melodrama into those                                                                    There are many such centres in South Africa's major       factor involved here is the counselling. If any psychiatrist
      situations, and they make for good plots for theatre or   Most know they are transgender from an early age and         cities. Go online and you will find them. People at these   or social worker is convinced that you are not ready or
      screen, but often you'll be wrong. Again, not always, but   choose not to do anything about it because of fears of     centres will also advise you of counselling groups that   unsure if this is right for you, the procedure will not be
      mostly so.                                                reprisal. More and more, though, have found that if they     you are best suited to. The point is, don't bottle it up   done.
                                                                can't come out in today's mass realisation era, then they    inside. That will only make matters worse.
                                                                never will.                                                                                                            Some choose to have just a few of the medical options
                                                                                                                             It is vital, too, that you feel safe. If you are being    and feel happy about that. The most important issue is
                                                                                                                             victimised because of your beliefs, seek help             to be content as a trans person. Sexual and gender
                                                                                                                             immediately. Hence the importance of getting help         identity make up most of who we are, so it's a must that
                                                                                                                             among LGBTQ friends. Don't forget you have rights like    we get this right.
                                                                                                                             anyone else. The Human Rights Commission is another
                                                                                                                             body that ensures your rights will be protected. These    If you are faced with any of the issues mentioned in this
                                                                                                                             rights are embedded in our constitution.                  article, it is essential to reach out. In this instance if you
                                                                                                                                                                                       have any depression, anxiety, or suicidal ideation it is
                                                                                                                             Once you feel accepted and loved, you will be faced       vital to contact SADAG on 0800 567 567 or the Triangle
                                                                                                                             with the issue of transitioning. Do you do this socially,   Project on 021 712 6699.
                                                                                                                             legally, and medically? Many trans people only chose to
                                                                                                                             transition socially. Some will feel the need for a        You will get immediate help and counselling.
                                                                                                                             complete transition and go the medical route. Many
                                                                                                                             don't do any of these options. If you're opting for the   Good luck, and God bless! Remember, whatever you
                                                                                                                             social transition only, this will involve choices of      are – straight, gay or transgender – you are a very
                                                                                                                             pronouns (she/her, he/him, they/them) and dressing        special person and entitled to your place in the sun.
                                                                                                                             differently. You may also want to change your name.

                                                                                                                             If your transition involves medical options, this will mean
                                                                                                                             intensive counselling pre- and post-surgery. It is a move
                                                                                                                             that is not taken lightly by psychiatrists and surgeons,
                                                                                                                             hence the need for therapy to determine whether you
                                                                                                                             are totally sure this is the path that you want to travel.

                                                                                                                             This is even more crucial today following lawsuits
                                                                                                                             abroad brought by trans people against therapists and
                                                                                                                             surgeons, citing “rush jobs” when they weren't
                                                                                                                             completely ready and now wishing to transition
                                                                                                                             “backwards” to their previous sexual identities.

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