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criticizing others a lot of the time instead of speaking   Some ideas on how to better manage
          to them with respect?
                                                               your anger
       •  Are you aware that your family members, colleagues
          and friends are particularly cautious when around    Managing anger doesn't mean trying to never get angry.
          you? Are they walking on proverbial eggshells        That's simply not possible. Anger management is about
          because they are frightened of your angry response   recognizing and acknowledging your anger and then
          to their behaviour? Do you want your partner and     expressing it in a way that doesn't harm or destroy your
          children to fear you?                                relationships, yourself or your environment. This could
                                                               include the following:
       •  Perhaps negotiation and compromise are difficult for
          you and instead of coming to a point of mutual       •   Become aware of what triggers your anger and then
          agreement your hostile, unpredictable response           do whatever you can to avoid the triggers or at least
          makes it impossible for others to work with you.         minimise their effect.  So, if sitting in traffic triggers
 Anger –   •  Maybe you are suppressing your anger by ignoring     driving off-peak. If alcohol consumption causes you
                                                                   your anger then change your routine to allow for
                                                                   to become particularly aggressive, angry, even
          people or refusing to interact with them and this is
                                                                   violent, drink less or stop drinking. Managing your
          causing you to feel isolated, cynical and bitter.
                                                                   triggers can help you avoid getting to that point where
          Perhaps your frustration levels have even led you to
                                                                   Become aware of and recognize the physical warning
          Your anger response may even have led to you being
       •  consider harming yourself.                           •   you 'lose it'.
 do I have a problem?  Regardless of the means you use to express your anger,   causes you to see 'red', clench your fists, feel a
                                                                   signs of anger. If, for example, your anger response
          faced with legal action, or worse, being arrested.
                                                                   tightening around your head and your pulse to race
       if you are aware that it is having a destructive impact on   then you need to recognize these signs as a warning.
       yourself, on your relationships with those close to you, on   Take action early to avoid your anger reaching the
       your ability to work and cooperate with others, then it is   point of no return. Take a break, distract yourself, go
       worth taking steps to make some changes.                    for a walk/run –do something that allows the anger to
                                                                   dissipate instead of exploding.

 by Bronwen Oberholzer
 Registered psychologist
 in private practice

 Anger tends to get a bad rap. It is often viewed as a 'bad'   Instinctively, as human beings, we tend to respond to
 emotion and most people tend to try and avoid feeling   feelings of anger by being aggressive. When the
 angry by ignoring, suppressing or downplaying it. Of   aggression gets out of control it has the potential to be
 course, there are also those individuals who make no   destructive and create endless problems for both the
 effort whatsoever to temper their anger and who behave   person experiencing the anger as well as the
 aggressively with little awareness of, or concern for, how   person/people at which the anger is targeted.
 this anger might be impacting others. Think of road rage
 with one driver becoming exceedingly angry with another
 driver and engaging in risky, sometimes even dangerous   What are some indications that my
 behaviour in order to express that rage. Think of the   anger might be problematic?
 senior manager who shouts insults at his staff when he is
 not happy with their work performance. And the husband   •  Impulsive responses to anger can be problematic. If
 who acts aggressively towards his wife speaking to her in   you respond to anger without thinking first, you can
 a raised voice with a harsh and insulting tone. And the   end up acting in ways that you regret later. For
 father who prefers his children to be seen and not heard   example, hitting 'send' on an angry, unedited email to
 and who is mean to them when they don't comply.   your boss. Or lashing out at your child when he spills
 his juice on the floor by accident.
 Unfortunately, anger is a feeling that is often
 mismanaged and misunderstood. The truth is that anger   •  Perhaps your anger has caused you to become
 is a completely normal human emotion. We all   physically violent or threatening. For example,
 experience it at times and the way that we experience it   physically threatening a colleague who showed you
 can range from minor irritation and annoyance to fully-  up in a meeting. Or perhaps you have punched your
 fledged rage. There are times when anger is a necessary   fist through a door or a window in a fit of rage.
 and adaptive response to a threat and which allows us to
 fight and defend ourselves when under attack. In these   •  Maybe you find yourself being verbally abusive
 instances, a certain amount of anger is necessary for   towards other people, including those close to you.
 survival.  Do you catch yourself swearing, shouting and

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