Page 32 - Mancave Sept 2021.cdr
P. 32

Erectile Dysfunction
      Erectile Dysfunction
      Erectile Dysfunction

      and the launch of Viagra
      and the launch of Viagra
      and the launch of Viagra

      in South Africa                               (Par t1)
      in South Africa (Part1)
      in South Africa (Part1)

                           Andrew Oberholzer headed up the marketing team that launched Viagra in South Africa.
                           He is the founder of the Southern African Sexual Health Association.
                           He is currently the CEO of The Prostate Cancer Foundation.

       Before the Viagra era, erectile dysfunction (ED) was     women to take control of their reproductive choices.
       referred to as impotence. The word comes from Latin,
       and basically means “a lack of power.” Not surprisingly,   Viagra was launched in South African in 1999 and the
       many men who couldn't get it up felt embarrassed,        product performed far below Pfizer's expectations. This
       inadequate and somewhat disempowered. The cause          was hardly surprising, as back in 1999 South African
       was thought to be largely psychological, and men who     men were sexually, very conservative when compared to
       were brave enough to seek help were frequently referred   their American counterparts. It took a good deal of
       to a psychiatrist or psychologist. Not surprisingly, the   research, and then some serious marketing to eventually
       treatment success rates were very disappointing. There   get Viagra moving in South Africa. Many men felt that
       were no medications available, so treatment involved     they couldn't speak to their GP about ED. They needed
       either using a vacuum pump devise or administering       to be reassured that sexual problems were legitimate
       injections into the penis. Although these still have a role   health problems and that their GP should definitely be
       to play in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, they are   their first port of call for any sexual problem that they
       definitely less convenient that popping a pill.           might be experiencing. We also had to get general
                                                                practitioners comfortable with talking about sex. The
       Viagra was discovered by accident. Pfizer was             research showed that men wanted their GP's to ask
       conducting clinical trials on a new potential treatment for   them about their sexual function, rather than having to
       angina, a condition characterised by the sudden onset of   bring it up themselves. Pfizer embarked on an extensive
       chest pain caused by inadequate blood supply to the      training program to teach GP's sexual health
       heart muscle. The male subjects in the clinical trial    interviewing skills. The program was a great success
       reported a rather unusual side effect, amazing erections!   and it was a huge relief for many men, when their GP's
       The drug trials were quickly restructured to investigate   would casually ask them “are you having any problems
       the potential of sildenafil nitrate (Viagra) as a treatment   with your erections?” Finally an opportunity to spill the
       for erectile dysfunction. The drug proved to be highly   beans and get some help!
       effective and because no other oral medications were
       available to treat erectile dysfunction, it was fast tracked   When it comes to sexual health, things have changed a
       by the FDA. When Viagra hit the shelves in the USA in    lot since 1999. Pfizer did a lot to educate men and their
       March 1998, it was an overnight sensation. We should     partners about sex and to dispel so many of the
       remember that the average America man over 50 was        ridiculous myths and taboos surrounding erectile
       from the baby-boomer generation. They had grown up in    dysfunction. The advent of HIV in the eighties and its
       the 60's and their generation was responsible for many   rapid progression in Southern Africa forced South
       of the cultural changes that took place in America. They   African's at all levels to have to have open conversations
       were far less sexually conservative than their parents   about sex.
       and the availably of the contraceptive pill empowered
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