Page 34 - Mancave Sept 2021.cdr
P. 34

We now know that erectile dysfunction is most            Mechanical causes
       commonly a result of damage to the blood vessels.        Any deformity of the penis e.g. Pyeronies disease, which
       Many of the risk factors for erectile dysfunction are the   is a lump or hard plaque in the penis that causes it to
       same as those for heart disease or strokes. Things like   curve.  Any tumours that affect the structure of the penis.
       smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, physical
       inactivity and being overweight.  So the things that you   Physical endurance
       do to reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease will   Any medical condition which has an impact on your
       also help preserve your erectile function as you get     energy levels and physical stamina can affect your
                                                                erectile function. These may include:
                                                                •   recovery after a heart attack.
       You have probably heard that more than 50% of men        •   diseases affecting the lungs
       over the age of 40 experience some degree of erectile    •   anaemia (insufficient red blood cells)
       dysfunction at some point in their lives. That's a lot of   •  liver and kidney disease.
       men so you definitely don't have to feel like a freak just   •  sleep disorders that result in fatigue.
       because you can't get it up. The definition of erectile
       dysfunction is:
       “the inability to achieve or maintain an erection of     Inflammatory causes
       sufficient rigidity for satisfactory sexual activity”     Inflammation of the urethra (tube through which urine &
       Many men find that they can get an erection, but they     semen is passed), the bladder or any of the tubes or
       lose it some point during the proceedings. This can be   'plumbing' involved in sperm production and
       really embarrassing and quite a “let-down” for your      transportation or in urinating.
       partner. We're not talking here about the few occasions
       that you couldn't get it up because you were horribly    Hormonal causes
       drunk or just plain exhausted from work. It's a persistent   Low testosterone levels cause a loss of sex drive and
       or recurring problem and its critical to see a medical   ED. It usually occurs in men from the age of 50 and is
       doctor if happens to you, because it could be the first   often associated with weight gain in the stomach area.
       sign of a serious underlying medical condition like high   Testosterone levels can be checked with a blood test
       cholesterol or high blood pressure. ED is a predictor of   that should be done in the morning befor 11am.
       cardiovascular events, which means that men who have     Other hormonal problems that can lead to ED include:
       ED and don't get properly checked out and treated, are   •   high levels of prolactin
       more likely to have a heart attack or stroke.            •   low or high levels of steroid hormones
                                                                •   Low or high levels of thyroid hormone
       Some of the other causes of ED are:
       Psychological and relationship                           If you're put on any new medication and you start having
       causes                                                   problems with your erections go back to your doctor, as
       Not being able to get or maintain an erection can have a   the medication may be the cause of the problem. Often
       devastating impact on your self-esteem and can lead to   it's simply a matter of switching meds. Here are some
       performance anxiety. When you do start treatment for     commonly used medications that can cause erection
       ED it's important to remember than it may take a few     problems.
       attempts before you get back into the swing of things.   •   antihypertensives (blood pressure meds)
       Relationship problems obviously have the potential to    •   antidepressants
       cause erection problems. See a psychologist or           •   antipsychotics
       sexologist if you intend staying in the relationship so that   •  antiandrogens (used to treat prostate cancer that
       you can work through the issues with your partner.           has spread)
       Stress, anxiety and depression are all common causes     •   some recreational drugs and alcohol
       of ED and also negatively impact on other areas of your
       health. See your doctor or a psychologist as these       Diabetes
       conditions can be successfully treated.                  Men with diabetes are more likely to have cardiovascular
                                                                disease and nerve problems, both of which can cause
       Neurological causes                                      ED, so it's a double whammy. If you're diabetic and you
       Stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease,        want to preserve your erections you need to make sure
       injuries and tumours to the brain or spinal cord, or any   your diabetes is well controlled and that you're doing all
       conditions which affect the nervous system can result in   the things required to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
                                                                In the next issue we'll explain how erectile dysfunction is
       Damage or removal of the nerves that are essential for   treated.
       erections as a result of surgery and/or radiation
       treatments for prostate cancer are a common cause of
       ED. Age and the quality of your erections before the
       treatment are key factors that determine the likelihood of
       good erections after treatment. The newest robotic
       surgery used to perform a prostatectomy (removal of the
       prostate) enables urologists to optimise nerve sparing
       procedures when this is possible.

       Nerve damage from trauma, e.g. a car accident.

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