Page 38 - Mancave Sept 2021.cdr
P. 38

you'll be given an enema to clear out your bowels before   Grade 1 is the lowest grade cancer and grade 5 is the
      the procedure. There is also a higher risk of bleeding    highest risk
      after a transrectal biopsy compared to a transperineal    Grade Group 1 = Gleason 6 (or less)
      biopsy.                                                   Grade Group 2 = Gleason 3+4=7
                                                                Grade Group 3 = Gleason 4+3=7
      In addition to where the needles are inserted there are   Grade Group 4 = Gleason 8
      different ways that urologists perform a prostate biospy.   Grade Group 5 = Gleason 9-10
      The traditional method is called a random biopsy, and
      involves inserting 12 to 14 needles (referred to as       Even if your Gleason score is in Grade Group 5 which is
      cores), systematically into different parts of the prostate.    the highest risk group, your other results such as your
      With this method about one third of clinically significant   PSA score and clinical staging are also important factors
      prostate cancers will be missed. In men who have large    for determining the possible outcome.
      prostates the percentage of prostate tissue that is
      sampled is naturally lower and the results are therefore   Ask your doctor for a copy of your biopsy report as it
      less reliable.                                            contains a lot of other important information about your
                                                                diagnosis in addition to the Gleason score. You'll need it
      If you have had an MRI before the biopsy then some        if you want a second opinion, or if you want to do some
      urologists will review the MRI images before and during   research of your own before deciding on what treatment
      the biopsy, and use the information to guide where best   option is best for you.
      to take samples from within the prostate. The success of
      this technique is very much dependent on the urologist's   Dealing with the diagnoses
      ability to translate MRI images to transrectal ultrasound   Being diagnosed with prostate cancer inevitably comes
      without a physical overlay of the two images. So the      with a sense of shock and even fear. It can be an
      success of this method is very much operator              overwhelming and confusing time with the overriding
      dependant. This is called a cognitive fusion biopsy and it   question often being “What now?”.  First off, take a deep
      has a higher detection rate than a random biopsy.         breath or two to assist with keeping the panic at bay.
      New technology is now available to combine or “fuse”      Remember that most prostate cancers are slow growing,
      MRI images with the live imaging from the transrectal     meaning that you likely don't have to make all of your
      ultrasound. This MRI/TRUS fusion technology involves      decisions immediately. Prostate cancer that is
      the use of sophisticated sand expensive software to       diagnosed in the early stages can be cured and over
      combine the two images. Remember that the MRI             98% of men who are diagnosed with early stage
      provides a clear image of where the “area of interest” in   prostate cancer will still be alive after 5 years.
      the prostate is, so with this technology the urologist can                                                                                                                 ad
      guide the biopsy needles directly to the potential tumour.   Making an informed decision about what treatment is
      This means that fewer needles will need to be used and    best for you is important, as you are the one who has to
      its success is not operator dependant. It's probably the   live with the results. You need to make sure that you
      method of the future.
                                                                fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of
                                                                all the treatment options that are available to you.
      Understanding your biopsy results.                        Use credible sources to educate yourself about the
      The samples obtained from the biopsy are sent to a        different treatments. Our website has detailed
      pathology laboratory. Each needle (core) obtained from    information about the different treatment options.
      a biopsy is analysed separately and the pattern of the
      tissue in each core is given a separate diagnosis using   Becoming part of a group of men who are going through
      what's called a Gleason grading system. The pathologist   a similar experience to you can be tremendously helpful.
      assigns a grade between 1 and 5 to each sample. A         It provides you with an opportunity to ask questions and
      grade 1 pattern when viewed under a microscope looks      express concerns to people who understand exactly
      most like normal tissue and a grade 5 pattern is the      what you are going through. Contact us and we'll
      worst, as the tissue appearance is very abnormal.         connect you to one of our e-mail support groups.
      Although grades 1 and 2 appear different, they are now
      reported as a grade 3 as they have the same outcomes.
      A pure grade 3 cancer is unlikely to ever metastasize.
      The Gleason score is most often obtained by adding the
      number of the most common Gleason pattern with the
      second most common. The lower the score, the less
      aggressive the cancer and the less likely it is to
      progress. It's important when interpreting a Gleason
      score to understand that the order of the numbers is
      highly significant, as the first number is always the most
      prevalent type of pattern found. So even if the total is 7,
      a Gleason score of 4 + 3 = 7 is worse than a Gleason
      score of 3 + 4 = 7. That's because 4 indicates a more
      aggressive cancer so if it is the most prominent in all of
      the cores, that's worse than if 3 was the most prominent.
      A new system has now been developed which makes it
      a lot easier to understand the Gleason score and how
      high risk the prostate cancer is. The Gleason scores are
      reported in Grade Groups.
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