Page 37 - Mancave Sept 2021.cdr
P. 37

How Prostate Cancer

      is Diagnosed                                         Information provided by The Prostate Cancer Foundation

      Hopefully you're a sensible guy who goes for your         However the diagnosis of prostate cancer can only be
      annual medical check-up and you're aware of the           made based on the results of a prostate biopsy, so
      importance of screening for prostate cancer. If you are,   although an MRI is useful, it is not mandatory.
      and you're a black guy black over the age of 40 then
      you'll be having a PSA blood test every year, and ideally   The prostate biopsy
      a digital rectal examination. All other guys should start   This is the procedure that is used to diagnose prostate
      screening from the age of 45.  PSA stands for prostate    cancer. Sometimes it's done in theatre under general
      specific antigen, which is a type of protein that enters the   anaesthetic and sometimes it's done under local
      blood when the barriers in the prostate are damaged. It   anaesthetic. It involves extracting tissue samples from
      is not a cancer specific test so a high score doesn't      the prostate using special thin hollow biopsy needles.
      necessarily mean that you have prostate cancer.           There are two different areas where the needles can be
      If your PSA test is high or your doctor feels anything    inserted for a prostate biopsy. Both involve using an
      abnormal when doing a digital rectal examination, or you   ultrasound probe inserted into the rectum which provides
      have any signs and symptoms of prostate cancer, you'll    a live image of the prostate. This enables the urologist to
      be referred to a urologist. Urologists are medical doctors   see where the biopsy needles are being inserted in the
      who have specialised in conditions involving the male     prostate.
      and female urinary tract. They also specialise in the
      male reproductive system, so they are about the closest
      equivalent to a “men's health specialist” that you get.   Transperineal biopsy
      The urologist will normally take a thorough history and   For a transperineal biopsy, the needles are inserted
      will do a digital rectal examination. You may also be     through the perineum (the area between the scrotum &
      referred for another PSA blood test to confirm the         the anus) after a small cut is made. There is less risk of
      results. There are somethings that you should avoid for   infection with this procedure compared to a transrectal
      48 hours before a PSA test as they can affect the         biopsy. The procedure is however more painful than a
      results. These include; cycling, ejaculation and a digital   transrectal biopsy.
      Rectal Examination (DRE). If your urologist suspects
      that your PSA is high because of an infection of the      Transrectal biopsy
      prostate you may be prescribed antibiotics and then the   For a transrectal biopsy the needles are inserted through
      PSA will be repeated. Depending on affordability and      the rectum. There is obviously a higher risk of infection
      availability, many urologists will send you for a special   from transrectal biopsies, as bacteria from the rectum
      kind of scan called a multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI)        can be transferred via the biopsy needle to the urinary
      scan, which helps to identify suspicious areas in the     tract or blood circulation. To reduce the risk of infection
      prostate that suggest prostate cancer may be present.
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