Page 25 - Mancave Sept 2021.cdr
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2. Correct Emotional Shape 4. Correct Mental Shape
“Do not let your yesterdays be the filter for your todays A few years ago I taught a double PHD graduate how to
and tomorrows”. canoe, whose studies focussed on psychology. After the
one session we had an amazingly stimulating
It’s amazing how for so many of us, our history has a conversation which resulted in us filming her as she
predetermining effect on our futures, if we let it…!! Some described the mental health aspects of canoeing.
years back I went through an experience that totally Canoeing, with correct arm and hand technique, is one of
shattered me at that time and I lost everything that was of the very few sports where the brains central medial line is
value to me….in the space of 30 mins, 38 yrs of my life crossed over by the hands at eye height during every
imploded. I lost my job, my marriage, my house, my 4x4 paddle stroke, resulting in the left and right brain being
and was left in serious debt. It was my canoeing friends “re-connected”. Due to our stress filled lives most of us
who literally saved my life by giving me work and the slow have a disconnected left and right brain. Major changes
process of getting back “onto my feet” started. I have are seen in younger children with attention deficit
spent years navigating how to fully forgive those that cost syndrome, mood highs and lows, temper…..etc, when
me so much, how to deal with failure and rejection and they take up the sport of canoeing.
The Power and how to rebuild my self belief and passion for the future. In chatting to many older youth and adults they almost all
It has been an amazing and enriching journey of self
discovery, growing my Faith, and learning how to play to
a paddling session, a direct result of the left and right
my strengths by fully understanding my personality profile say that they feel so much more relaxed and content after
hand cross over mental benefit.
and how I am wired and on the journey getting to
Pleasure of understand the need for and power of emotional health. It is so important to nurture our mental health with the
So many “healing moments” have happened while out
running or paddling. Growth in wisdom and how to use correct nutrients, that are natural and not chemically
synthesized in a laboratory ( which is sadly most of what
one's “pain experiences” to deepen one’s ability to show
a Balanced Life unconditional love, compassion and understanding to is available in shops), with regular exercise, that
“endorphin” good feeling that we all enjoy after a good
those experiencing “their pain journey” is key to
By Pete Rossouw
Canoe Coach developing a healthy and functional “Emotional Shape”. session of aerobic exercise and by exposing ourselves to
There is a need to develop vulnerability to be able to the correct reading material which is empowering to live
meet the hurting where they are at and to let them feel more stimulated and positive lives, and by positive input
safe to be encouraged and inspired by you and to be from good friends and family. It’s amazing what one
open to let you add value as they journey back to full positive celebratory comment can do for our self image
Correct “ Balance” in life is key to living a full and deeply 1. Correct “Physical Shape” health. One of the greatest joys is when people feel and sense of self worth. As much as we can control, try to
meaningful life. Having trained, raced and coached emotionally safe with you….and want you there with them be intentional to daily include some good inspiring reading
canoeing for many years it has become so clear how One’s physical shape can be a great help or a hindrance as they journey to health and to fully regain their material, develop a list of positive affirmations about
critical one's “balance” is to empower you to train and race in a canoe. A slim or muscular body empowers one to “Emotional Shape”. yourself and your future and feed your sense of purpose
well and to also have great fun during the process.
maximise a slight forward leaning posture which extends and destiny.
ones reach and therefore stroke length and helps to 3. Correct Relational Shape
Paddling a single ( K1 ) canoe has become an amazing maximise the “ leg kick” and core muscle usage during
tool to explain to me how to navigate life's challenges the stroke pull throughs. A body with a “tummy or boep” 5. Correct Spiritual Shape
successfully and consistently. Most of our training and does not allow this and causes a backward lean, which It's amazing how critical it is to have the correct “fit” with
racing happens on smallish dams with a circumference of has a destabilising affect on the canoe (K1 single), does your canoe. The position and shape of the seat to We never know when the storms of life may overwhelm
1 - 3 kms and its amazing what happens when the wind not facilitate a leg kick to enhance your stroke power or adequately “cosset” your butt is so important to stability us. On a number of occasions these have hit me hard, as
picks up and what can happen very quickly to conditions body rotation to maximise core muscle power and thus and to be positioned so that your knees are just above mentioned earlier. In my surf ski and canoeing I have also
on the dam, and when river races are on the agenda, the power of every stroke. the edge of the cockpit to help facilitate maximum “kick” had a few near death experiences, being smashed by
overnight rain can change the character of your well to empower every stroke. When your “fit“ is correct you huge waves and unable to breathe and being caught
known river completely…..making it a potentially life Just as the correct technique is key to being an efficient feel a part of the canoe and there is a confidence that the underwater in a rapid on a river after falling out of my
threatening experience. coming training or racing session will be great. The right canoe. In each of these scary situations, my Faith has
paddler, doing regular aerobic exercise, as in running “fit” helps to maximise the power of every stroke, thus seen me through. I have a biblical Faith which is
and doing strength building exercises, all add to being in
There are 5 key area's to focus on to experience the full great physical shape, just so the need with having a producing maximum speed and a sense of confidence foundational and practical for me, but whatever ones
“Power and Pleasure of a Balanced Life”. correct diet. and joy. spiritual connections are, its key that they form a secure
1. Correct “Physical Shape”. foundation for life, especially in these uniquely challenging
2. Correct “Emotional Shape”. We only have one body to live in and how we look after it Every relationship needs careful and sustained attention and unpredictable times in which we live.
3. Correct “Relational Shape”. will determine our future longevity and the quality of our to maximise its potential and the fruitfulness that can be
4. Correct “Mental Shape”. life experience. Correct diet is critical and human clinical birthed from it. Always watch posture, the tone of voice, Life really is an unpredictable journey, but the better my
5. Correct “Spiritual Shape”. how alive their eyes are, and how freely and easily they understanding of my “Balance/Shape” blend is, the better
trialled supplements essential to correct the nutritional are communicating. Any sign of being withdrawn, lack of I will negotiate life's challenges and joys and be able to
deficit in our food sources as they have been hugely free and easy friendly expression or sharpness of voice embrace the journey wholeheartedly and with passion.
depleted of critical nutrients due to current farming indicates some level of pain and or hurt, and maybe fear
methods and our health can be negatively affected by and needs genuine sensitivity to touch the “hurt” and then
preservatives in our foods and other chemical additives. to show appropriate affection with adequate support and
We need to ensure that we are careful as to what we eat encouragement. So lets all work on S – Superior sensitivity,
and avoid diet excesses, especially in the area of and on our H – Hunger for life's best,
carbohydrates and alcohol. Having been involved in As humans, we are designed as relational beings and A – Actively Applying our self
nutritional science for over ten years, I have seen when we have great quality friendships and are maybe in knowledge,
amazing benefits and have not been sick once during a committed relationship with a great “ fit” our sense of For P – Powerful Purpose filled living,
that time. Our physical shape is critical to a successful wholeness is maximised and we can travel in the boat of With E – Energetic Enthusiasm.
fulfilling future. this life feeling wonderfully fulfilled and deeply satisfied.
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