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P. 195

Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications

               Table 4 & 5 shows operation threshold re-tracker on original, first meaningful sub,mean and proposed approach
          waveform re-tracking for threshold 10 to 90 percentage.

                                               (b)                                                                               (a)
            Fig.4. SST time series at each pass resulting from a: Level-2 data processing for optimal re-trackers, b: the processing of
                   level-1 data with the maximum correlation with the mean waveform approach for the optimal threshold

        Table 6 RMSE (cm) of water level from the threshold algorithm   Table 7 RMSE (cm) of final water level from the
        with different approaches and Level 2 process compared to TG   proposed method and Level 2 processing compared
             Re-tracking Approaches      595    709     154                           to TG
                                                                                          Proposed   Improve
                 Level 2 process          62     67     62             Method   Level-2    method    accuracy

               Original-waveform          43     43     68
                                                                    RMSE(cm)      64         47        +17
               First-sub waveform         47     39     71

                Mean-waveform             28     43     82

                Proposed method           28     38     66

       Improved the accuracy of the proposed  +34   +29   -4
           method compared to level two

                                                  (b)                                                                                  (a)
          Fig.5. Final time series of the optimal SST resulting from Level-2 and Level-1 data processing with the maximum correlation
                                to the mean waveform approach (a: validation period, b:study period)

               Table 6 shows that the original waveform re-tracking approach has 19 cm better results at pass 595 and 24 cm at pass 709
          but 6 cm lower results at pass154 comparing to Level-2 data. The results also showing that the first meaningful sub-waveform

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