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Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications

                Determining the best GRACE-like mission characters to determine the co-
                                                    seismic signals

                                      Abolfazl Shahamat, Amir Aminzadeh Ghavifekr
                               Marand Technical Faculty, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

         Abstract: The gravity field of the planet earth has temporal variations and our instruments are unfortunately defective
         and  imperfect  to  measure  that.  Therefore,  our  knowledge  of  the  gravity  field  of  the  earth  is  not  complete.  After
         launching the satellite gravity, gravity data has been collected with remarkable quality. One of the changes that happen
         under the surface of the earth is mass movement which occurs as a result of several earthquakes. In the case of using
         couple satellites, we would be able to achieve an additional amplification of the gravity signal through inter-satellite
         tracking  between  two  low  orbiters.  In  this  paper  five  scenarios  are  simulated  and  compared  with  one  another.  The
         observations made by GRACE and GRACE-FO scenarios have better susceptibility to sense earthquake signals. Even
         though  it  is  agreed  that,  other  scenarios  may  have  stronger  susceptibility  to  receive  signals.  Here,  the  Maule  (2010)
         earthquake  with  19  degree  in  strike  angle  is  used  as  an  example.  Therefore,  the  impact  of  direction  of  the  fault  on
         detection  of  coseismic  signals  supposed  that  another  earthquake  occurred  in  Maule  position  with  exactly  the  same
         specifications  but  with  hypothetical  strike  angle  of  90  degrees.  The  difference  in  degree  obtained  was  as  a  result  of
         satellite track almost along the perpendicular fault direction. Hence, it is intended to detect whether the fault direction
         will produce a different result or not. It is concluded that the GRACE and GRACE-FO are the best scenarios to detect
         coseismic signals in this study. All the data used in this paper are the simulated format of Level-1B.
         Keywords: GRACE, GRACE-FO; Helix, Pendulum, Cartwheel, Earthquake signal, Gravity changing, Satellite

             1.  Introduction

                Large earthquakes usually occur close to faults and pose a big threat to communities. Earthquake-
         induced  gravity  changes  observed  by  the  researchers  can  be  an  indirect  way  of  measuring  seismic
         deformation. Earthquakes are natural disasters and they can not only be extremely destructive but also
         increase the fatality rate. On the other hand, they  are good academic sources  for scholars of Geodesy,
         Geodynamic, Geophysics and Geology to conduct new researches and experiments. This can provide the
         scientists  with  an  opportunity  of  studying  the  response  of  the  solid  earth  to  tectonic  loading.  As  large
         earthquakes end up in massive movements of crust and mantle, the resulting uplifting or subsiding imply
         the redistribution of mass and finally cause changes in the gravity field.
                Among the researches, study of coseismic deformation is one of the most important subjects. Some
         researches have been undertaken to study coseismic deformation in a half-space earth model by Steketee
         (1958),  Okada  (1985)  and  etc.  They  have  presented  analytical  views  for  calculating  the  surface
         displacement, tilt, and strain resulting from various dislocationsSun et al. (2010). Okada (1985) offered a
         complete set of analytical formulae to calculate these geodetic deformations by summarizing the previous
         studies. Closed-form expressions were also proposed by Okubo (1992) to describe potential and gravity
         changes  which  result  from  dislocations.  Because  of  their  mathematical  simplicity,  these  dislocation
         theories have been applied widely to study seismic faults Sun et al. (2010).

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