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P. 346

Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications

               Identifying the impact of exposure to air pollution on the brain structure of people at risk for AD through MRI data shows
          that, air pollutants cause neuropathological and neuroanatomical changes in the brain structure and damage to the prefrontal
          cortex [23], as changes in the volume of gray matter and white matter in certain areas of the brain associated with AD and
          dementia [39]. Even short-term exposure to high levels of PM pollutant alters the brain inflammatory responses, which is an
          important factor in the progression of AD and dementia [40,41]. It also increases amyloid beta plaques in cerebrospinal fluid,
          which is one of the most important biomarkers of AD [42,43].
               Air pollution is one of the most important challenges in the field of urban management in Tehran due to rapid population
          growth, industrialization, increase in personal vehicles and limitations of public transportation [44]. According to the Tehran Air
          Quality Control Company (AQCC), in recent years, particulate matter (PM) pollutants with a diameter of less than 2.5 (PM 2.5)
          and 10 microns (PM 10) have been the most significant air pollutants in the city [45]. Due to the high population growth rate in
          this city and the undeniable impacts of these pollutants as environmental risk factors on cognitive disorders, especially AD for
          people who are at risk due to family history, genetic factors or other diseases, and knowing the irreversible effects of these
          diseases on the physical and mental health of patients and caregivers, informing about the spatial distribution of pollutants in the
          city makes it possible to take appropriate actions to reduce the risks of disease progression.
               The aim of this paper is to investigate the identification of high-risk areas in Tehran with high concentrations of PM10 and
          PM2.5 pollutants, as the most important environmental risk factors for mental health, in order to inform people at risk to avoid
          residing in such air-polluted areas.

          2.   Study area
               This study was undertaken in Tehran (Figure 1), with a Longitude of 51 degrees and 5 minutes East to 51 degrees and 53
          minutes East, and a Latitude of 35 degrees and 34 minutes North to 35 degrees and 59 minutes North with a population of nearly
          12 million people, which accounts for about 12% of the total population of the country. Due to the fact that Tehran has a special
          geographical  situation  because  of  high  altitude  difference  in  the  north  and  south,  it  has  unfavourable  urban  topographic
          conditions which may affect air pollution concentration at several days especially during Fall and Winter sessions. Vehicle traffic
          during the day and westerly winds, which bring factory fumes and other pollutants into the city, have caused unfavourable
          environmental conditions and air pollution with toxic gases [46].

                                                  Fig.  1. The study area [47]
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