Page 408 - NGTU_paper_withoutVideo
P. 408

Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications

                                           Fig 1: Flowchart of the proposed algorithm

             2.1.  Identify the initial lines
                      Find the best threshold to detect crops
               Crop lines can be defined as a combination of  several small parallel lines. Prior to any  line detection  method,  pre-
          processors are generally required to remove unwanted information, such as shadows, soil, or rock. This step aims to implement
          the Otsu integrated threshold for binary image generation and background isolation from plants [27, 28]. Different indices such
          as NGRDI , NGBDI , MNENTI , RGBVI , BGVI , G% , and ExG , etc. have been developed to identify vegetation, which was
          examined in [15] all available indices, with the G% index having the highest accuracy (91.9%). In this article, the G% method
          was used to identify vegetation and background.
                                             % =                                     (  )
                                                (       +            +         )
               In Equation (1) G% binary image of vegetation and background removed, Red, Green, and Blue are the red, green, and
          blue bands of the input image.

                      Apply opening to bolding crop lines
               The threshold stage's output does not provide a clear picture of the vegetation, and there is a gap between these crop lines.
          To  fill  the  hole  space,  the  Opening  Morphology  Operator  was  used  along  with  a  disk  kernel.  The  Opening  operator  is  a
          combination of Erosion and Dilation.
                                         ∘    = (                 ⊝             ) ⊕                             (  )
               In Equation (2), Image  is the image of the previous Kernel output threshold, the 10-size disk kernel.

                      Detected straight lines using Hough Transform
               Now, to identify the crop lines, it is necessary to extract the edges of the features using edge-finding algorithms. The
          Canny Edge Detector Algorithm was used as one of the best edge detector algorithms. The Canny Edge Detector is known for
          producing thin edges up to one pixel for direct edges. [27]. Hough conversion is one of the most widely used methods for

           Normalized green red difference index
          2  Normalized green blue difference index
          3  Modified normalized green red difference index
          4  Red green blue vegetation index
          5  Blue/green pigment index
          6  Green percentage index
          7  Excess green
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