Page 403 - NGTU_paper_withoutVideo
P. 403

Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications

               One of the points to consider in this retrieval was that despite some null values in the original data, if relational databases
          were used, a great amount of time was spent storing null values, but using the linked data in the form of RDF triplets and using
          a database on the graph, the corresponding edge has been removed from the graph set without taking up space. The retrieved
          information is meaningful according to the concepts of the Web, which can be used to discover useful information and use it as
          input to other analyzes (Figure 7).

                                          Figure 7. The result of GEOSPARQL query

               Examining the results, as shown in Figure (8), the accumulation of high urban traffic areas to the west of the city center
          is quite evident, which can be considered due to the location of this area next to the Lion Gate Highway. By selecting the

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