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Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications

           NO  Antecedent (Reports)                         =>  Consequent (Crash)                    C%  L≥1
           17   Highway Maintenance, Street Lights          =>  Motor vehicle, Weekday, Street Cleaning,   40   1.11
                                                                Sanitation, Signs and signals
           18   Street Cleaning, Sanitation, Street Lights   =>  Motor vehicle, Weekday, Highway      41   1.1
                                                                Maintenance, Signs and signals
           19   Street Cleaning, Highway Maintenance, Street   =>  Motor vehicle, Weekday, Sanitation, Signs   41   1.1
                Lights                                          and signals

          4.  Discussion and Conclusion
               The determined association rules could be used to predict the probability of accruing a traffic accident after receiving
          some related citizens’ reports/requests or in some related land use, weekday, time in a day, road type, and vehicle type.
               The result proves that there are potential relations between crash reports and some citizen’s request reports including
          ‘Highway Maintenance, Sanitation, Street Cleaning, Street Lights, Signs and signals, Enforcement & Abandoned Vehicles and
          Call inquiry’. The potential relation between crash characteristics and land use are also determined. For instance, Motor Vehicle
          accidents  generally  happened  in  residential  and  commercial  land  uses,  which  mostly  happened  on  the  road  intersections.
          Furthermore, it was found that most pedestrian crashes happened in the street, during the weekdays, and in the residential areas.
          Besides, the most number of bike crashes occurred on the road intersections.
               In this paper, to extract spatial and temporal relations between accident and land use data and between accident and
          environmental reports, the Apriori algorithm is employed. The extracted rules were evaluated based on three indexes: support,
          confidence and lift parameters.
               The results prove that there is a high potential relation between crashes and land use types, and also between crashes and
          the 311 reports. For example, the crash characteristics and land-use rules indicate that motor vehicle crash events potentially
          associated with road intersection and residential areas, and they generally happened at noon.
               Considering the relation between crashes and the 311 reports, it is clear that crash events are associated with some service
          requests  such  as;  ‘Highway  Maintenance,  Sanitation,  Street  Cleaning,  Street  Lights,  Signs  and  signals,  Enforcement  &
          Abandoned Vehicles and Call inquiry’.
               The extracted rules could be utilized to predict the location of urban regions that are prone to traffic accidents when a
          certain number of related environmental reports are submitted, which will be considered as future work of the authors.

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