Page 478 - NGTU_paper_withoutVideo
P. 478

Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications

               Methodology and results

               This study needs two datasets: COVID-19 data and Twitter data. The COVID-19 data such as the number of
               confirmed cases, total deaths, total recovered cases, and transition speed were used based on WHO reports until
               May  01,  2020  (  Twitter
               data  from  2020-02-04  to  2020-05-01  was  downloaded  from  the
               twitter-data-geographic-distribution?force_layout=desktop.  All  the  Twitter  data  file  contains  6  different
               attributes ( tweet_id, created_at, loc, text, user_id, verified). The  data contains tweets only  with the location
               information. Table 1 represents the feature attributes in the shared data with a description [15].
                                                   Table 1, Data attributes

               More  than 160  million public tweets (including 66  million text tweets and 94  million  location tweets)  were
               collected  and  inserted  into  the  GWR  model.  Location  tweets  and  text  tweets  were  chosen  as  input  and  are
               presented in Figure 1. GWR takes a unique equation for each function in the dataset, combining the dependent
               and  explanatory  variables  of  features  within  each  target  feature's  bandwidth.  The  shape  and  extent  of  the
               bandwidth  are  determined  by  user  input  for  the  Kernel  type,  Bandwidth  method,  Distance,  and  Number  of
               neighbors’  parameters,  with  one restriction:  if  the  number  of  neighboring  features  exceeds  1000,  only  the
               nearest 1000 are integrated into each local equation.
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