Page 21 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 21
Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
Nature’s Greatest Talents Nature’s Networks
Clever, camouflaged or seductive – animals and plants It is considered essential, invaluable and worthy of
are among nature’s greatest talents. This three-part natural our protection, and yet its impact continues to be
history series portrays behaviour, tricks and looks which have underestimated: biodiversity. The term itself is frequently
inspired some of our greatest inventions. Presenting wildlife used to describe all manner of things relating to life on our
from all over the world in a new perspective: ’Nature’s planet - but what does it actually mean? And why do we
Greatest Talents’ combines ’The Art of Seduction’, nature’s need it? ‘Nature’s Networks’ allows a totally fresh and epic
’Masters of Disguise’ and tops it off with the ultimate look on mother nature, exploring Borneo, Brazil, Tasmania,
question: Who is ’Smart & Smarter’? Kenya and deep into the Norwegian Fjords.
genre: Nature & Wildlife genre: Nature & Wildlife
format: 3 x 60’ / HD format: 3 x 60’ / HD
credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios
Ocean Rescue Australia Oceans of Contrast
The team from Ocean Rescue Australia takes us on The southern part of the African Continent is a dramatic
dangerous and challenging missions, as they risk their lives landscape. Two contrasting currents, the cold Benguela
to save trapped, sick or injured marine life in the beautiful on the west and south and warm Agulhas on the east,
waters of Australia. bathe the shores of almost 3000 kilometres of coastline.
With dazzling underwater and aerial cinematography the
programme will showcase this unique marine heritage of
South and southern Africa.
genre: Nature & Wildlife genre: Nature & Wildlife
format: 1 x 60’ / HD format: 1 x 60’ / HD
credits: Rock Wallaby Productions/Splash Media credits: Homebrew Film Company