Page 17 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 17
Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
Kalahari Meerkats Kanga Pan: An African Horror Story
Home for the Gosa gang of meerkats is a piece of fiercely Kanga Pan is a relatively unknown waterhole in Mana
defended bush within the Tswalu Game Reserve. Most of National Park and the gathering point for a melting pot of
the animals live peacefully with the meerkats but snakes wildlife species. On the surface, it looks like a peaceful oasis,
and birds of prey are a nightmare. Wildlife filmmaker Mags offering the cooling refreshment of water and bathing. But
has become an honorary member of the group and has there is a hidden terror lurking in the shadows, a predator
an amazing bond with these wild creatures. They regularly tormenting as a multitude of wildlife species to quench its
jump on her head or on her camera to help them survey the thirst. Who is the killer on the loose? Who is terrorising the
dangerous horizons of their home! pan? An investigation needs to be undertaken.
genre: Nature & Wildlife genre: Nature & Wildlife
format: 6 x 30’ / HD format: 1 x 60’ / 4K
credits: Wildearth Media credits: Goddunnit Promotions
Keepers of the Cape A Kingdom for the Dzanga Gorillas
Keepers Of The Cape explores conservation projects in the Deep in the equatorial heart of the remote Congo Basin lives
western Cape and is presented by zoologist Tali Hoffman. a tiny colony of gorillas. These are the last survivors of earth’s
We experience a rich array of wildlife including marine and largest primate species. Chloe Cipoletta has dedicated her
terrestrial life such as southern right whales, great white life to studying and protecting them. This is the extraordinary
sharks, the charismatic African penguins, black rhinos, tale of her struggle to help them acclimatise to eco-tourism
chacma baboons and Cape leopards to name but a few, in a last-bid attempt to preserve their kind.
against a backdrop of the unrivalled natural beauty of the
western Cape.
genre: Nature & Wildlife genre: Nature & Wildlife
format: 13 x 30’ / HD format: 1 x 30’ / HD
credits: Insvnc Productions credits: MC4/Martin & Soir Films