Page 12 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 12

Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro

       Destination Wild: Wild Far East                         Destination Wild: Wild Madagascar
       Asia’s eastern frontier, spans many mysterious and ancient   Millions of years ago, hundreds of castaway creatures
       worlds, home to a diversity of habitats found nowhere else   crash-landed on Madagascar’s rugged shores. Isolated
       on earth. Capturing the Far East’s most incredible locations   from the mainland, evolution went into overdrive. Of almost
       and its most mysterious wildlife, join us on a journey to the   a quarter of a million species found on the island are unique.
       edge of the world, and experience the Far East – where life   This myriad of bizarre life forms had a huge impact on the
       abounds in the most unexpected places.                  early human settlers - one particular group of primates
                                                               shaped their culture, fuelling folklore and legend that still
                                                               guides their lives today.
       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                               genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 1 x 60’ / HD                                    format: 1 x 60’ / HD
       credits: Off the Fence/NGC                              credits: Off the Fence/NGC

       Destination Wild: Wild Mongolia                         Dragons & Damsels: Ultimate Insects

       Landlocked at the heart of Asia, Mongolia is a vast country   More beautiful than butterflies, better fliers than hummingbirds
       stretching over 600 thousand miles between Russia and   and with behaviour as intriguing and complex as mammals
       China. Here, over millions of years, powerful forces have   or birds, dragonflies and damselflies are the ultimate insects.
       forged some of the most dramatic landscapes on earth.   Filmed in unprecedented detail, we’ll explore how dragon
       From the continents hottest desert to towering mountain   and damselflies hold and defend territories; work together
       worlds, and the vastest grassland that have ever existed.   in strict hierarchy; and even predict their prey’s movements.
       Mongolia is home to some of the toughest, and most      A special film depicting some pretty special animals.
       adaptable animals on Earth.
       genre:  Nature 7 Wildlife                               genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 3 x 60’ / HD                                    format: 1 x 60’ / 4K
       credits: Off the Fence /NGC                             credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios
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