Page 9 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 9
Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
Borneo’s Pygmy Elephants Circus of the Wild
For many years Borneo’s diminutive forest elephants were Animals frequently make us laugh because of their unusual
believed to be a feral population from domestic stock. DNA or clumsy behaviour, or the entertaining situations they
testing has confirmed they are a unique species. This story get themselves into. This filmic journey around the world
tells of one man’s mission to save these persecuted beasts presents a wide range of astonishing and amusing animal
from poachers. Following Bert the tracker, we witness some antics, from mischievous Barbary macaques to penguins on
incredible footage revealing the most intimate secrets of beaches, from monkeys in thermal baths to elephants at a
elephant family life. hotel reception.
genre: Nature & Wildlife genre: Nature & Wildlife
format: 1 x 60’ / HD format: 1 x 60’ / HD
credits: Michael Patrick Wong / Off the Fence credits: Doclights / NDR Naturfilm / TMFS
City Zoo Collar of Duty
City Zoo houses over 3,000 animals from around the world. This entertaining and inspired series explores the world of
Each animal helps to educate the zoo’s visitors, and in return service animals, and the life-changing impact they have on
the zoo’s crew play their part in breeding and rehabilitating the people they help. From prisons to courtrooms, classrooms
animal. We meet some of the zoo’s residents, and follow the to hospitals, these animals make a real difference. We talk
crew’s efforts to keep animals healthy and happy. Come to a team of dedicated animal trainers, explore the latest
and take a walk on the wild side at City Zoo where tigers training technology, and meet the engineers building
and lions live side-by-side and where conservation is a way the next generation of gadgets. This vivid series is moving
of life. heartwarming and humorous.
genre: Nature & Wildlife genre: Nature & Wildlife
format: 10 x 30’ / HD format: 24 x 30’ / HD
credits: Wild Dog Productions credits: Summerhill Media