Page 11 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 11
Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
Destination China Destination Myanmar
Yunnan province in southwest China has an incredible Myanmar, previously known as Burma, has some of the
landscape, with snow- capped mountains, rice terraces, most beautiful scenery in Asia. Its culture and wildlife is
lakes, rubber plantations, gorges and tropical rain forests. temptingly wrapped in mystique. It is a globally recognised
Bordering Myanmar, Laos and Vietman, Yunnan’s distinctive biodiversity hotspot with unspoilt habitats that harbour
nature reserves were awarded World Heritage status for many endangered species. Destination Myanmar takes the
their rich biodiversity. Destination China takes you to some of audience to some of the most beautiful and stunning Asian
China’s most beautiful landscapes, home to 6,000 species heritage wetlands when fisherman paddle using one leg
of plants, 200 mammals and 500 birds. across shallow waters and past floating gardens.
genre: Nature & Wildlife genre: Nature & Wildlife
format: 2 x 60’ / 4K format: 1 x 60’ / 4K
credits: Peter Ringgaard credits: Peter Ringgaard
Destination Wild: Africa’s Hidden Wonders Destination Wild: Wild Colombia
Africa is a land of extremes. Across this awe-inspiring Crowning South America, Colombia touches both the
continent, nature’s beasts - from the biggest to the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans. Sitting on the equator, this
microscopic - battle for survival in some of the world’s wild and exotic land is divided by the soaring peaks of the
harshest conditions. In the planet’s most epic natural Andes, and carved by the mighty Amazon and Orinoco
habitats, large predators roam sprawling savannas, strange Rivers. Colombia’s landscapes are vast and hugely diverse
apes inhabit lofty mountain peaks, while mysterious insects and supports an enormous wealth of unique plants, as well
and snakes occupy the most impenetrable forests on earth. as an extraordinary array of spectacular creatures.
genre: Nature & Wildlife genre: Nature & Wildlife
format: 3 x 60’ / HD format: 3 x 60’ / HD
credits: Off the Fence/NHC credits: Off the Fence/NGC