Page 14 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 14
Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
Europe’s Last Wild Horses Europe’s Wilderness (Series 1)
This programme follows the last remaining herd of wild Taking the perspective of animals in a world where
horses in Europe, where they live in the protected area of humankind is, slowly, starting to realise that we must make
Munsterland, Germany. Across a year we get a rare glimpse changes in order to preserve nature and enable a future for
of a dying breed, whose habitat is being slowly swallowed the generations to come. ‘Europe’s Wilderness’ takes you
by the 21st century. on a journey of discovery, to a wonderful world of breath-
taking views and endangered species. To a Europe that
seems as wild as it must have been a thousand years ago.
genre: Nature & Wildlife genre: Nature & Wildlife
format: 1 x 60’ / HD format: 6 x 60’ / HD
credits: Light and Shadow Productions credits: Gebruder Beetz Filmproduktion
Extinction Sucks Feast of Predators
Extinction Sucks follows the real life adventures of two Each year millions of sardines leave the waters off the
remarkable girls who’ll try anything to bamboozle people southern tip of Africa and follow the cool winter currents
into parting with their money. It’s all in a good cause: the for almost 1000 kilometres. It’s a perilous journey, as their
girls spend every penny they raise helping endangered migration awakens a great following of formidable predators
animals, proving that people who are crazy enough to think that attack from sea and air. We film a courageous little seal
they can save the world are often the ones who can... who braves the treacherous ocean to follow the Sardine
genre: Nature & Wildlife
genre: Nature & Wildlife format: 1 x 60’ / HD
format: 6 x 30’ / HD credits: The Peter Lamberti Family Trust/OTF/NHK/
credits: Off the Fence/Bablegum/WWF ZDF/ ARTE/Animal Planet Int.