Page 15 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 15

Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro

       Forgotten Forests of Malaysia                           Frontier Vets
       Malaysia boasts some of the most ancient forests on the   This series follows eight veterinary students who have been
       planet, biological treasure troves; home to an unparalleled   placed in an isolated rural village near South Africa’s Kruger
       wealth  of  life.  From  the  first  tentative  steps  of  a  baby   national  park.  Their  mission:  to  run  an  under-resourced
       proboscis monkey to a cascade of translucent spiderlings   animal  clinic.  This  is  their  first  experience  of  real-life  work,
       hatching, or the story of deception that characterises the   and with patients ranging from dogs to lions and elephants
       orchid mantis, Forgotten Forests of Malaysia explores some   to rhino, the livelihoods of their owners is firmly placed on
       of our planet’s most enigmatic evolutionary marvels.    their inexperienced shoulders!

       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                               genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 1 x 60’ / 4K                                    format: 13 x 30’ / HD
       credits: Backwards Roll Productions                     credits: Green Films Pty (Ltd)

       Genius of Nature                                        Giraffe: Up High and Personal

       Life has been evolving on Planet Earth for over three billion   This film focuses on the towering giants of the animal kingdom
       years. The process of natural selection has been like an arms   – and tries hard to fit them into the frame! Giraffes are one
       race, shaping creatures’ ability to survive in virtually every   of nature’s most bizarre creatures. We explore the animal’s
       corner of the planet. Each episode begins by identifying   social life, behaviour as well as genetic constitution. Already
       a selection of human problems, explores how nature has   some of their species are in grave danger of extinction,
       solved them, and reveals the way that modern science has   leading to scientists embarking on a quest to preserve these
       adapted nature’s solutions to our own ends.             wonders of physiology.
       genre:   Nature & Wildlife
       format:  3 x 60’ / HD                                   genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       credits:  Terra Mater Facutal Studios/Oxford Scientific    format: 1 x 60’ / HD
              Films/BBC                                        credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios/NGC
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