Page 20 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 20

Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro

       Miracles of Nature                                      Monkey Thieves
       Do  you  know  where  you  can  find  the  only  untouched   Jaipur, India is home to the most riotous, unruly and lawless
       glacier? Where is the widest, highest or smallest waterfall   pack of monkeys the world has ever met! We see the world
       in the world? Which desert is the driest or largest? Where   as they see it: against a bewildering backdrop of legs and
       are  the  locations  of  the  most  inaccessible  mountains  or   many opportunities for causing trouble. We’ll mix incredible
       the deepest point of the ocean? Let’s discover the world   stories of monkey cunning and their hilarious escapades
       of geysers, active volcanoes and bizarre rock formations,   with the Jaipur humans’ attempts to tackle these parasitic
       which have one thing in common – they are not the work of   trouble-makers.
       man, they are the Miracle’s of Nature.
       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                               genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 26 x 30’ / HD                                   format: 39 x 30’ / HD
       credits: KM Plus Media/Big Media                        credits: Off the Fence

       Mystery Monkeys of Shangri-La                            A Natural Affair:  The Human/Nature
       Strangely beautiful. As endangered as the giant panda.   We have a fascinating and occasionally surreal relationship
       Charismatic, but elusive – until now. This is the first time the   with animals and plants. This film explores examples of these
       extremely  rare  and  widely  unknown  Yunnan  snub-nosed   relationships, areas where human and the natural world
       monkeys are thoroughly documented. A moving family       meet  in  surprising  ways!  What  are  we  able  to  learn  from
       drama, this documentary is a captivating story of two half-  nature? How can nature profit from our existence? And who
       brothers facing a struggle to survive in a remote valley of   needs who to survive? From lifeforms on and in our bodies,
       the Chinese Himalayas.                                   to caretakers of nature; a human-nature connection exists
       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                                throughout our lives, and we’ll explore it all.
       format: 1 x 60’ / HD                                     genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       credits: TMFS/Wild China Films/Mark Fletcher             format: 1 x 60’ / HD
                      Productions Ltd/Thirteen Productions LLC/WNET  credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios
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