Page 22 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 22

Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro

       Oldies but Goldies: A Journey to Germany’s
       Oldest Trees                                            Orphans of the Wild
       Trees reach the greatest age of all living things and are   13 kilometres north of Windhoek, the capital of Namibia,
       home and refuge to innumerable animals. This film portrays   is Marlice van Vuuren’s wildlife rehabilitation sanctuary. In
       the most beautiful and aged trees in Germany. Many of   partnership with the Shiloh Jolie-Pitt Foundation, founded
       these veterans are dying and their descendants rely on   by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, this fabulous reserve and
       man. It is up to us humans to give these youngsters sufficient   sanctuary is where Marlice and her extraordinary family
       space and time to grow old.                             care for orphaned wild animals which they one day hope
                                                               to release back into the wild.

       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                               genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 1 x 60’ / HD                                    format: 13 x 30’ / HD
       credits: Nautilusfilm                                   credits: Homebrew Film Company/Off the Fence

       Our Big Blue Backyard (Series 1 & 2)                     Penguins: The African Chaplin

       Our  Big  Blue  Backyard  dives  deep  into  the  seas  to   The African penguin is the only penguin species in Africa.
       discover  stunning  stories  of  New  Zealand’s  native  ocean   Their clumsy demeanour has seen them called the Charlie
       animals. Travelling south to north, we exploring the ocean   Chaplins of the bird world. But they are struggling to
       “neighbourhood” and showcase the colourful and varied    escape extinction. Despite the protection of their breeding
       inhabitants as they interact in their unique locations. Orcas   islands, numbers fall. Scientists race to find the answers for
       and  mud  crabs,  seals  and  crayfish  play  out  their  lives  as   the staggering decline. Is there a glimmer of hope for the
       close neighbours and their stories weave together to reveal   African Chaplin?
       entertaining animal dramas.
       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                                genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 11 x 60’ / HD                                    format: 1 x 60’ / HD
       credits: NHNZ Worldwide                                  credits: Homebrew Film Company
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