Page 27 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 27

Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro

       Snowy Owl: Queen of the North                           A Song of Love: An Ape with an App

       Sharing an intimate and remarkable story, the film follows   Shot over two years in a pocket of mountainous Chinese
       a breeding pair of snowy owls as they struggle to raise their   wilderness,  this  film  introduces  the  Skywalker  Gibbon  –  a
       owlets  in  the  unpredictable  and  unforgiving  Arctic.  But   newly discovered primate. Skywalker Gibbons have an
       hatching owlets in a year when prey numbers are low is only   unusual ritual. When they court, they sing to one another
       the beginning – to survive, the owlets have to escape polar   in cries that can be heard across vast distances. But what if
       bears, endure millions of mosquitoes and even face an icy   the gibbons are too far apart to hear a call to their mate? A
       tundra river.                                           professor and a pop star set out to remedy the situation by
       genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              becoming gibbon matchmakers.
       format:  1 x 60’ / 4K                                   genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       credits:  Terra Mater Factual Studios/Nature            format: 1 x 60’ / 4K
              Conservation Channel/Thirteen WNET               credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios

       Spirits of Orchid Island                                Sri Lanka: Precious Isle

       Orchid Island lies just off Taiwan’s southern coast. Fish and   ‘Sri Lanka – Precious Isle’ takes the viewer on a trip to various
       sea snakes populate its coral reefs, while forested slopes   places of this beautiful country. But rather than showing only
       house lanyu scops owls, whistling green pigeons, reptiles   picturesque landscapes, the story features seven different
       and huge spiders. The island is also home to a unique   but outstanding characters. Some of the programme’s
       sea-going culture - the Tao people. Their knowledge and   protagonists’ occupations might look common in a local
       respect for the forests and ocean has preserved the island’s   context, though some developed a unique way to travel
       wild and unspoilt nature.                               new paths. Passion, love and strength are but a few things
                                                               all of the protagonists have in common.
       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                                genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 1 x 60’ / HD                                     format: 1 x 60’ / HD
       credits: PTS                                             credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios/NDR
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