Page 30 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 30

Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro

       Unnatural Selection                                     Whale Wisdom
       It has taken billions of years for life to evolve into the extraordinary   We  know  that  whales  share  knowledge  amongst
       diversity of creatures we see today. But humans have re-shaped vast   themselves. Now, it seems they communicate on a much
       swathes of the planet and in so doing have altered the course of   more  sophisticated  level  than  previously  anticipated.
       evolution. The extreme pressures created by human landscapes have   Together  with  renowned  film  maker  Rick  Rosenthal  we
       sped up evolution and sent it in unexpected directions.  embark on a wonderful journey: to make first contact with
                                                               a new mammal culture – the culture of the whales.
                                                               genre:   Nature & Wildlife
       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                               format:  1 x 60’ / 4K
       format: 1 x 60’ / HD                                    credits:  Terra Mater Factual Studios/Doclights/NDR

                                                                       Naturfilm ARTE France/Unité Découverte et
       credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Sky Vision                Connaissance/Wild Logic

       White Lions: Born Wild                                  Wild and Alive

       This is the story of two remarkable – and extremely rare – wild   To survive in the wild had never been easy, but in the age
       white lion cubs. Growing up in the vast wilderness of South   of man, the challenges faced by wildlife have increased
       Africa’s Kruger Park, their high visibility adds to every day’s   exponentially. This series follows stories of hope, struggle and
       survival  challenges.  This  two-part  true  wildlife  story,  with   survival. Witness the incredible lengths creatures will go to
       strong  characters  and closely  studied  behaviour,  follows   preserve themselves and to create a new generation of
       the cubs on their journey into adulthood.               life. In this series we follow the people safeguarding those
       genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              under threat, from individual animals of great importance,
                                                               to species on the brink of extinction.
       format:  2 x 60’ / HD                                   genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       credits:  Terra Mater Factual Studios/Table Mountain    format: 4 x 60’ / 4K
              Films/Obsessively Creative/Thirteen
              WNET-New York/DTI South Africa                   credits: Homebrew Film Company
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