Page 33 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 33

Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro

       Wild Winners                                            Wildest Europe
       Big Cats! Birds! Monkeys! ’Wild Winners’ reveals the features   Wildest Europe reveals the incredible beauty and diversity of wildlife in
       and  characteristics  of  these  animals  in  a  new  light,  by   Europe’s natural habitats. No other continent has such variety crammed
       comparing and contrasting their unique skill set, highlighting   into so little space: from caves at sea level, to precarious mountain tops,
       their distinctive superpowers and focusing on what makes   wildlife has realised some remarkable adaptations to survive and thrive
       them special.                                           throughout. Wildest Europe is a surprising and thrilling journey through
                                                               life in a range of dramatic and varied landscapes.

       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                               genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 3 x 60’ / HD                                    format: 5 x 60’ / HD
       credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios                    credits: Off the Fence/Discovery Networks Int.

       Wildest Indochina                                       Wildest Indonesia

       This spectacular series sweeps across the most diverse   The island’s of Indonesia are a wild paradise, where 15% of
       peninsular in the world. From Malaysia to Southwest China,   all the world’s species can be found. It straddles the equator,
       Vietnam to Cambodia and Thailand this vast area includes   where Violent volcanic eruptions created more than 10,000
       outstanding landscapes, historic cities, tropical jungles and   separate islands. It is a centre of bio-diversity, and this is a
       armies of animals. With mangroves and mountains, pygmy   story of evolution on an unparalleled scale. We reveal the
       elephants, turtles and rare birds it is no wonder that the word   remarkable ways in which life has been created, adapted
       ‘mega-diverse’ is now attributed to parts of the region.  and re-born over millions of years of natural selection.
       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                               genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 5 x 60’ / HD                                    format: 5 x 60’ / HD
       credits: Off the Fence/Discovery Networks Int.          credits: Off the Fence/Discovery Networks Int.
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