Page 31 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 31
Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
Wild Canada Wild Cornwall: Out on the Edge
This vast wild country, boasting the longest coastline in the Cornwall: way out on the far western edge of United
world with shores on three oceans, has the greatest north- Kingdom, a rugged finger of land pointing into the ocean.
south latitude range of any nation in the world. Countless The seas around Cornwall are some of the most bio-diverse
generations of humans shaped Canada’s nature for their in Europe – and they dominate everything from stormy cliffs
own purposes and their own survival. Five hundred years to serene estuaries. Peregrine falcons, kingfishers, adders,
after the first European explorers, we rediscover this land bottlenose dolphins or grey seals – a vast diversity of animals
anew. are fighting the seasons to make the Cornish ground, air or
genre: Nature & Wildlife water their home.
format: 2 x 60’ / 4K genre: Nature & Wildlife
credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios/Table Mountain format: 1 x 60’ / HD
Films/Obsessively Creative/Thirteen
WNET-New York/DTI South Africa credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios
Wild Edens Wild Jobs
At a time of global climate change, travel to Russia, Turkey Marlice van Vuuren grew up on the Harnas wildlife sanctuary
and South Asia where we showcase their wild and extreme in Namibia. It was here that she developed her love for
beauty and reveal how their iconic species have adapted wildlife, especially the injured, orphaned and ‘problem’
to the extreme conditions and weather. In each location animals. After completing her studies, Marlice and her
we strive to peel back the layers and really explore and husband Rudie started Naankuse, a wildlife sanctuary near
reveal the exciting lives of the creatures that live at every Namibia’s capital. We follow their compelling conservation
level of the food chain – from forest undergrowth, to cliffs, efforts - from saving the life of a baby baboon to collaring
to cave systems, plains, and waterways. majestic desert elephants.
genre: Nature & Wildlife genre: Nature & Wildlife
format: 3 x 60’ / HD format: 13 x 30’ / HD
credits: Off the Fence Production/Rosatom credits: Homebrew Film Company