Page 28 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 28

Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro

       Streetwise                                               Sumatra’s Last Tigers
       Around 7,000 herons live permanently in Amsterdam,       Deep in the heart of Sumatra’s Jambi region a hunt is on. In
       capital  of  the  Netherlands.  Most  people  don’t  have  any   2010, eight Indonesians were murdered in the forest and the
       problem with these long-legged thieves, but if you run a fast   killer is still at large. Of the eight victims, seven have been
       food restaurant or live next door to the lady who feeds them   partially eaten.  What creature counts humans as a food
       each day, then these birds can become quite a nuisance.   source? A 300lb Sumatran tiger.
       Streetwise  opens  up  the  floor  to  both  their  supporters
       and their opponents.

       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                                genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 1 x 60’ / HD                                     format: 1 x 60’ / HD
       credits: Corona Pictures                                 credits: Infocusasia/OTF/NGCI/MDA Singapore

       Super Senses                                             Tall & Tiny: Nature’s Extremes

       Ever wondered why some animals have such crazy looking   Tremendously tall or ridiculously small. Meet giant birds that
       sense organs? Why do snakes have a split tongue? Why     can’t fly and even bigger mammals that defy gravity. There
       do elephants have such huge ears? Why do moths have      is the brush turkey with its outrageously large feet – and the
       antennae that look like feathers? Every feature has a    obscure – giant African bullfrogs challenging each other for
       special purpose that has evolved to ensure the survival   their offspring! En-masse, termites become fierce defenders,
       of the animal. Just like us, animals rely on their senses for   schools  of  anchovies  become  impenetrable  and  we  find
       communication, navigation, finding food and staying safe.  out that much on Earth that appears gigantic is made up or
                                                                nourished by the smallest of the small.
       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                                genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 13 x 30’ / HD                                    format: 1 x 60’ / HD
       credits: KM Plus Media/Big Media                         credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios
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