Page 6 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 6
Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
Secret Cities America’s Arctic: A Refuge Imperiled
London, Rome and Paris are home to some of the world’s For millennia it has been the summer home for huge herds of
best known megastructures. These buildings hold secrets caribou and countless migratory birds. The territory supports
which, until now have been kept hidden from view. From a greater variety of plant and animal life than any other
covert Nazi resistance meetings deep in the underground protected area in the Arctic Circle. This is the Arctic National
tunnels of London, to understanding the secrets behind Wildlife Refuge. Discover the splendor, enormous scope
the construction of Christianity’s holiest of places. Using and indescribable beauty of this untouched land, one of
CGI, archive and reconstructions, this series reveals parts of the last havens for caribou herds and polar bears.
history you never knew existed. genre: Nature & Wildlife
genre: History format: 5 x 60’ / HD
format: 3 x 60’ / HD credits: Terra Mater Factutal Studios/Campion
credits: La Famiglia Advocacy Fund/Doclights/NDR Naturfilm/
Florian Schulz Productions
African Nostalgia Aging In The Wild
Wildlife photographer Valter Torri has always been This series studies animals ageing in the wild. Passionate
fascinated by the unique atmosphere of Africa. In this researchers bring us right into the lives of the animals
film, colours are bright, the sounds of nature ring out - you they study, but this isn’t just another beautiful animal
can almost smell the dusty heat. Every frame is dramatic - documentary. It is also an invitation to consider the
the fiery sky, the flowing river and the elegant wildlife. But challenges of growing old in the wild. Our discoveries reveal
for Valter, this beauty is always tinged with longing - how that the process of ageing variews as much as the species
to reconcile the modern world in which he lives with the themselves. It is impossible not to see this without reflecting
timeless majesty of nature. on our own experiences along the way.
genre: Nature & Wildlife genre: Nature & Wildlife
format: 1 x 60’ / 4K format: 5 x 60’ / HD
credits: Documentaria Film – SD Cinematografica credits: Rotating Planet Wild Productions