Page 5 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 5

Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro

       Castles: Secrets, Mysteries and Legends                 Elizabeth I: Killer Queen

       The world has many castles, each with their own history,   A real-life Elizabethan murder mystery that has lain unsolved
       secrets and legends. Some because of religious or military   for 450 years. Did one of the most controversial royal love
       matters, others because of love, family and jealous affairs.   affairs in history, that of Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley lead
       Join us as we travel to the many British, German, Spanish   to savage murder? New evidence shines a spotlight on one
       & Portuguese cities decorated with astonishing medieval   of British history’s most fascinating and darkest secrets.
       castles to see how the different cultures left traces of their
       presence in these mysterious constructions.

       genre:  History                                         genre:  History
       format: 4 x 60’ / 4K                                    format: 1 x 60’ / HD
       credits: Zona Mixta                                     credits: Quickfire Media

       Journey into Unknown  Bradford & the                    Legendary Megastructures
       Pilgrim Fathers
       The journey of the Mayflower symbolizes the birth of America   Take a trip to France to discover the construction secrets
       and to this day, the Pilgrim Fathers are a glorified symbol   to some of its most legendary megastructures. Learn how
       of  American  virtue. Journey  into Unknown  chronicles the   Napoleon I instigated many constructions that are today
       events that would have a major impact on the course of   anchored in Parisian Landscape. How and why the Christian
       modern history.                                         Church built the Sanctuary of our Lady of Lourdes and how
                                                               Napoleon III along with urban planner Baron Haussmann
                                                               modernised Paris into the city we know today.
       genre:  History                                         genre:  History
       format: 1 x 60’ / HD                                    format: 3 x 60’ / HD
       credits: WESTEND Film & TV Produktion GmbH              credits: La Famiglia
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