Page 7 - Spanish & Portuguese Languge Catalogue 2022
P. 7

Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro

       Animal Files                                            Aquarium: An Aquatic Life

       As a species, we humans have an unattractive tendency   Join us a we travel beyond the glass, behind the scenes of
       to believe in our own superiority. We think we’re the only   Africa’s premier aquarium. In this adventure, we’ll unpack
       ones with an inner life, with feelings and morals. But this   the daily odyssey of the Two Oceans team. Meet the local
       documentary series explores the unexpected wonders of   community of penguins, turtles, seals and jellyfish! Discover
       the animal world and helps to show that nature always has   the secrets of the Southern African shoreline and all the
       something to teach us. If we could only regard our fellow   marvellous creatures it shelters, and follow the aquarium
       inhabitants of the planet with wonder and respect, we   team as they prepare for the impending reopening of a
       might find that everyone benefits.                      major exhibit.
       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                               genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 10 x 30’ / HD                                   format: 10 x 30’ / HD
       credits: Prola - SD Cinematografica                     credits: Homebrew Film Company

       Back from the Brink: Saving the King’s
       Horses                                                  The Bat Women of Panama
       The Trakehner is considered by some to be the greatest horse   There  are  more  bat  species  flying  in  one  small  patch  of
       breed on Earth. Yet these magnificent animals only barely   forest in Panama than can be found in the whole of Europe
       made it into the 21st century. Two world wars decimated   or the USA. To study their behaviour, a group of adventurous
       their numbers. But the Trakehner has been saved by      and daring women scientists, the Bat Women of Panama,
       dedicated individuals and breeders. The animals have now   live and work at the Smithsonian research station on Barro
       returned to excel in tournaments and examinations. This film   Colorado Island, in the Panama Canal.
       captures the grace and beauty of these fast, light horses
       that have managed to survive against the greatest odds.
       genre:  Nature & Wildlife                               genre:  Nature & Wildlife
       format: 1 x 60’ / HD                                    format: 1 x 60’ / SD
       credits: Terra Mater Factual Studios                    credits: Fitz Productions Films/Off the Fence/ZDF
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