P. 113
MAR. 2-3, 2019
Day 11 and 12, March 2nd and 3rd, Reflection At Sea on the journey back the phytoplankton which complete the food chain in this part of the
to Ushuaia via Cape Horn. simple yet complex world.
Antartica! Wet, wild and windy! Cold, chilly and crisp! Frosty, frigid, I will always remember the highly educated and experienced
piercing, immense and polar! I faced the fear and danger, but it’s the Expedition Team of naturalists who guided us and made sure we get
most unforgettable adventure to answer the call of the sea! The the most out of this journey. They are real professionals, experts and
memories I’m taking with me are many: the feeling of being in another informative speakers with ready answers to all our questions. I also
world without leaving the earth; the experience of learning the do’s will have unforgettable appreciation for the wonderful life on board
and dont’s to show respect to this unspoiled environment; learning to provided by the superb staff with the delectable French cuisine and
protect yourself so you don’t fall in the freezing iced water while on wine or champagne from breakfast to dinner; snacks of different French
the zodiac boat; the imaginary and very muted singing made by the cheeses and pastries waiting after each expedition, to the clean and
Antarctic ice shelf produced by the whipping wind causing them to well maintained cabins and high-end toiletries in the bathroom; the
vibrate in very low frequency; standing face to face with numerous evening entertainment and events of cultural activities and programs
families of different kinds of penguins, seals, birds, whales and other which also included board games and quiz contests where my team of
wildlife and wondering how long humans are going to leave them on three friends won 8 out of ten contests. The cruise company just took
their own; the cold water that gives life to the over-harvested krill and care of our well being.
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