Page 41 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 41

KMAland 2019                                                                                   41

       weeds, insects, fungi and bacterial or viral diseases

     Mike Witt-Iowa State                                                      Resistant       Weeds,
     University Extension Field             Iowa State University              there are worldwide
   I                                                                           sistant to glyphosate
                                                                               43 weed species re-
      Integrated pest man-
                                                                               herbicides with 3 (Tall
     agement is a topic
                                                                               water hemp, Giant
     and a phrase heard
     by most people in ag-                                                     Ragweed and Horse-
                                                                               weed) in Iowa.
     riculture. It is a term                                                     What this means for
     that is used for many                                                     farmers in Iowa is that
     different areas of man-                                                   resistance to glypho-
     agement and can seem                                                      sate in weeds is here
     like an impossible task                                                   and is present in fields
     to tackle. Understand-                                                    across the state. Does
     ing where to begin                                                        this mean all farm-
     with integrated pest                                                      ers should abandon
     management and how      pests will try anything  environment to previ-    the use of glypho-
     even small steps can    and  everything to  ous  tasks preformed  sate as a weed control
     make a huge differ-     avoid or resist farmers  by farmers to attempt  method in their fields?
     ence on a bottom line   practices  of remov- to control them. One  No.  Integrated pest
     is essential to adop-   al.  This resistance  of the most recent ex-      management and re-
     tion by farmers.        to farmers practices  amples of resistance is  sistance means that a
      A farmer’s use of in-  forms the reason in- the use of glyphosate  farmer should realize
     tegrated pest manage-   tegrated pest manage- herbicides  by farm-        that the method they
     ment can be both vast   ment was coined to  ers on crops that that  are  utilizing, glypho-
     and small but both      describe how farmers  contain the resistance  sate herbicides, is a
     approaches will make    can  successfully  sup- gene.       Glyphosate    resource that must be
     a sizable impact on     press these pests in a   has been widely used  protected and will not
     their practices. The    way that gives them  across the world to  be  sustainable long
     simple fundamental of   the best crop but is  control weed  species  term. If a farmer can
     integrated pest man-    also economically fea- that, unlike certain  still  go out and  get
     agement is that farm-   sible.                   genetically modified  great weed control on
     ers want to eliminate     Pests come in the  crops, do not have the  all fields with just ap-
     pests for more profit   form of weeds, insects,  ability to survive the  plications of glypho-
     and pests want to sur-  fungi and bacterial  chemical application.  sate they can still use
     vive to prosper and     or viral diseases. All  Currently, according  that practice. But not
     multiply. This fun-     pests have some level  to the International  all farmers in Iowa to-
     damental means that     of resistances in the  Survey of Herbicide  day have that ability.
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