Page 42 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 42
42 KMAland 2019
Integrated pest management herbicide resistant weeds fee stops and conversations
means you should use this re- that show all types of pests between farmers being a key
source but also rotate other can evolve to survive farm- component to Integrated Pest
herbicide mode of actions ers practices. Farmers need to Management. The informa-
and practices to help slow the be more diligent in scouting tion by a neighbor solving a
buildup of these resistances, fields, documenting issues, problem can have more local
so you can utilize the tools differing their approach to value than a trial from 4 states
longer. Economically it may managing pest and working away that does not exactly fit
be more profitable for a farm- together to solve problems. the local issue. Farmers who
er to utilize a single or cheap- Integrated pest management have the power of these ob-
er form of weed control, but requires boots on the ground, servations can make the deci-
this short-term gain will cause in field observations, to make sions that save them money
long term issues in the near, sure the right products are but still handle whatever pest
not distant, future. applied for the correct pest problem appears each year.
Glyphosate herbicide is problem. Communication be- There is no one size fits all
used as an example but there tween farmers is a vital com- method to control pests, how-
are many other examples such ponent to combatting pest ever knowledge is the great-
at Bt resistance insects, Frog- resistances. Understanding est power anyone can have in
eye leaf spot fungicide resis- that there is power in num- making a decision.
tance in soybeans and ALS bers with local groups, cof-