Page 44 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 44
KMAland 2019
44 Integrated Pest Management
Battling Resistance Takes a Community Effort
helped farmers be more mense success of these tive. The loss of tech-
productive and envi- products is also leading nologies farmers rely
ronmentally sound than to increases in pest resis- upon can increase their
ever before. tance in Iowa. input costs and/or harm
Safe and effective her- Whenever a control farm productivity.
bicides, insecticides, measure is utilized, a
fungicides and plant-in- tiny portion of the pest Old Problem,
corporated protectants population exposed New Solution
(i.e., Bt-corn) have al- may survive due to their
lowed farmers to suc- unique genetic makeup. In an effort to meet
Evan Sivesind, cessfully manage weeds, Overtime, as the same resistance head on and
Program Manager, insects and diseases so technology is used re- formulate solutions,
Iowa Pest Resistance they can produce high- peatedly, these resistant representatives from all
Management er yields on a greater sub populations eventu- sectors of agriculture—
number of acres. The ally dominate the en- farmers, crop advisors,
Program Advance- effectiveness of these tire population and can seed and chemical man-
ments in agronomic products has led to their spread to neighboring ufacturers, lenders, ag
practices and crop pro- widespread adoption. fields, thus rendering retailers, landowners,
tection products have Unfortunately, the im- these products ineffec- Iowa State University