Page 45 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 45

KMAland 2019                                                                                   45

   researchers  and  extension  staff  er Larry Buss, a successful team  he and other industries’ represen-
   and staff from the Iowa Depart- of diverse stakeholders has been  tation establishes a good balance:
   ment of Agriculture and Land  meeting every other month since  he and others can contribute
   Stewardship—created the Iowa  spring 2017 to trial, demonstrate  what they learn from  company
   Pest Resistance Management  and promote solutions to herbi- research to farmers, and take back
   Program (IPRMP) in 2017. The  cide, and more recently fungi- local concerns to the companies
   IPRMP is an effort involving all  cide, resistance issues that plague  who may not have as strong of a
   sectors of agriculture in support- growers in the area.             presence in more rural areas.
   ing voluntary, community-led        “The Harrison County project      “For me, as a representative of
   resistance management. Local,  is a great example of a commu- an ag company, I like [being part
   community-led projects have  nity coming together to address  of the project] because it shows
   the highest chance for success,  resistance,”  said  Iowa  Secretary  that we’re involved in agriculture
   as what may work in one area of  of Agriculture Mike Naig. “The  outside of just topics that con-
   Iowa may not be feasible in an- network of volunteers shares a  tribute to the bottom line,” Swal-
   other.                            passion for responsible resis- well said. “I started (in this indus-
     Tapping into years of experi- tance management and they are  try) before Roundup Ready crops
   ence and expertise of local farm- working together to bring their  were introduced. I saw what it
   ers and agriculture professionals  knowledge and passion to local  was like to have a secret weapon,
   is crucial to formulate plans and  farmers and landowners.” While  then I saw that weapon lose some
   focus on practices that are most  the introduction of Palmer ama- effectiveness and I can think of
   suitable for the unique chal- ranth was the initial inspiration,  things that the industry could
   lenges in each region. Commu- the Harrison project has grown  have done differently to mitigate
   nity-based  projects are being  to include herbicide resistant wa- resistance development.”
   implemented across the state of  terhemp, marestail and giant rag-    Pest resistance development is
   Iowa, each focused on an insect  weed, as well as fungicide resis- complex, and new instances of
   or weed resistance issue. Four  tance. Buss and his neighbors use  pest resistance continue to be
   projects are in various stages  their farms to demonstrate man- discovered.  Should  pest  resis-
   of  development:  western  corn  agement  techniques,  host field  tance continue to develop, pro-
   rootworm resistance to Bt traits  days and hold monthly meetings  duction of the crops that support
   in  northeast  Iowa;  pyrethroid  to discuss solutions and share  the world’s population will be-
   resistance in soybean aphid in  opinions  with their  community  come increasingly expensive and
   northwestern Iowa; herbicide re- members  that  encompass  lend- complex. Fortunately, scientists,
   sistance in waterhemp in central  ers, seed dealers and chemical  farmers and private industry are
   Iowa; and Palmer amaranth and  dealers, to name a few.              already making a difference in
   herbicide resistant weeds in Har-   “One  company,  one  product,  their communities.
   rison County in southwest Iowa.   one university, can’t be the sole   Now is the time to protect Iowa
                                     inventor of the best practices for  crops, and you can help. Contact
   Grabbing the Weed by              their area,” said John Swalwell, a  Evan Sivesind (sivesind@iastate.
   the Roots                         retail agronomist with Asgrow- edu) to learn about potential
                                     Dekalb working with the pilot  projects in your area.
     The Harrison County Pest Re- project in Harrison County. “It        To learn more about pest resis-
   sistance Project*is a prime exam- takes everyone involved at all  tance, and find out ways you can
   ple of the success that is possible  levels to identify the most effi- help, visit our website: Protectio-
   with  these  community  projects.  cient solutions.”      
   Led and organized by local farm-    Overall, Swalwell believes that
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