Page 28 - KMA Ag Mag 2020
P. 28

28                Overcoming Current Challenges in the Ag Community
                                                                                               KMAland 2020

   better for your engine and saves  the Phase One trade deal does ap-  the gallons lost from refinery ex-
   you money. In short, it’s a superior  pear to move toward opening the  emptions back to the RFS.
   product whether Big Oil likes it or  Chinese market for US ethanol    Unfortunately, despite commit-
   not. We are on our way to making  and distillers grains. If this hap-  ments made to our elected lead-
   Unleaded 88 the new normal for  pens in a major way, it could be  ers, rather than provide certainty
   fuel in the United States. I hope  the single biggest short-term fac-  against future destruction, on De-
   folks like me can soon buy high- tor in restoring financial health to  cember 19, President Trump ulti-
   er ethanol blend in and around  the biofuels community.             mately chose an alternative pro-
   Shenandoah.                         But overshadowing this prog-    posal put forth by EPA, that left
     We shouldn’t forget about bio- ress was a year-long fight to pro-  the integrity of the RFS blend lev-
   diesel either. In another big 2019  tect the RFS from an onslaught  els up to EPA’s discretion. Need-
   policy victory, the federal bio- of unjustified refiner exemptions.  less to say, we were angry and dis-
   diesel blenders tax credit was re-  The united biofuels community  appointed.
   instated following two years of  message was simple and clear:        Although justifiably upset, we’ve
   non-stop effort. Unlike previous  The RFS promised 15 billion gal-  been so focused on what we didn’t
   actions, Congress actually provid- lons of ethanol blending and 15  get that we have neglected to ap-
   ed some certainty by extending it  should mean 15.                  preciate what we did get.
   through 2022.                                                         We shouldn’t forget that prior
     There  was  also  progress  on  a                                  to  Dec.  19,  there  was  no  way
   couple of trade fronts in 2019.                                         to undo the damage of refin-
     The Iowa Renewable Fuels As-                                            ery exemptions to hold the
   sociation (IRFA), the group I help                                         RFS harmless. There was
   lead, joined the American Coali-                                            no  way to make the 15
   tion for Ethanol and U.S. Grains                                             billion-gallon RFS actu-
   Council to host a Mexican trade                                              ally be 15 billion gal-
 T  mission to Iowa this past summer.                                           there nevertheless is now
                                                                                lons. While not certain,
   You’ll probably not be shocked to
                                                                                              a pathway
   learn that Big Oil is spreading the
   same lies about ethanol to Mexi-
   can retailers as they’ve tried to
   spread here in the U.S.
     This trade mission brought key
   Mexican retailers to Iowa to learn   I o w a
   directly, not just from ethanol ad-  Governor Kim Reyn-
   vocates, but from fellow retailers.  olds and Senators
   The trip was a great success and  Chuck     Grassley
   has helped spur ethanol blending   and Joni Ernst led a
   in Mexico. If fully realized, Mexi-  multi-state delega-
   co could become the first billion-  tion to meet with
   gallon export market for US etha-  President  Donald
   nol producers.                    Trump in the Oval
     The year ended with positive  Office on September
   news from another potentially  12. During the meeting
   large export market. While it’s too  the President agreed to a
   soon to draw firm conclusions,  proposal that would restore
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