Page 26 - KMA Ag Mag 2020
P. 26

KMAland 2020
    26                Overcoming Current Challenges in the Ag Community
   mosquitos, muskrats, and ground- more floods than we used to, and  have been strong in their support
   hogs.                             we’ve got to figure out how to  for improved flood control. This
       As president of the Missouri  improve  flood  protection  along  time, we can make improvements,
   Farm Bureau, I’ve done dozens  the Missouri River.                  if we continue to make our case.
   of interviews over the past year,     Now, as it turns out, we          Environmental groups and
   talking  about  the  flooding.    I’ve  know how to do that. We reverse  opponents of sensible flood con-
   talked about lost homes, flooded  course and remove changes we’ve  trol ignore the main facts on the
   and ruined grain storage, the sin- made  in  the  river  that  impede  ground.  We long ago made the
   gle longest closure in the history  the flow of the river and damage  decision to farm in the flood
   of the interstate highway system,  levees. We repair structures that  plains, to locate roads in the flood
   ruined roads and bridges, and the  we’ve long known can protect  plains, to build railroads and grain
   heartbreak that comes from fight- levees and increase the ability of  elevators  and homes.    We  can’t
   ing the same fight again and again,  the river to carry high water. We  go back, but must move forward
   with no hope in sight.   People  improve levees, and yes, when the  with improved flood control. Our
   who live along the Missouri River  local community and landowners  citizens deserve no less.
   are tired, depressed, financially  agree,  we  make  the  footprint  of   Bill Murray finally left
   struggling,  and  Missouri,  Iowa,  the levees more rational, reducing  Groundhog Day when he made
   Nebraska, and Kansas need solu-   pinch points along the river. And  the  right decisions.  When  he
   tions.                            finally, we look southward to the  cared for others more than him-
       Every  interviewer  asks  the  system of levees and reservoirs  self, when he realized that there
   same question.  “Are the ever  that protect the lower Mississippi  are more important things in life
   more common floods the result  River, and ask why we don’t have  than his own self-interest.   We
   of Climate Change?  I always  the same protection.                  can leave our Groundhog Day
   reply that I haven’t the slight-      Missouri Farm Bureau is proud  along the river when we make
   est idea. And, furthermore, it  to serve on Governor Parson’s  the right decisions, and when we
   really doesn’t matter whether the  working group to address flood  put the interests of people above
   flooding is occurring because of  issues.  We appreciate the cooper- those of endangered species and
   climate change, or misguided  ation between our Governor and  the romantic idea that we can
   experiments along the river to  the other Governors in the lower  recreate the past.
   protect endangered species, or  Missouri River Basin. Our respec-
   just because of bad luck. We have  tive Congressional Delegations
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