Page 26 - UNAM Annual Report 2017
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practice in medicine that suits the needs of the community engagement, that investigated
Namibian public. factors that contribute to poor performance
at specific schools in the Ohangwena Region.
The School of Pharmacy In addition, a research study that investigated
The pharmacy profession is the third-largest factors that influence students’ performance
health profession globally, although Africa in first-year physics modules at the University of
is the continent with the lowest number of Namibia was conducted.
pharmacists and pharmacy schools. The
School of Pharmacy was established one year The campus conducted a needs assessment
after the first intake of medical students, and survey for NCRST, thereby contributing to the
one of its added benefits is that the student development of the Management Plan for the
groups could be taught inter-professionally, smooth running of the Mathematics and Science
in line with international trends in health Computer-Based Learning Centres.
education. The first graduating class of home-
grown pharmacists coincided with the first e) Katima Mulilo Campus
intake of a new Diploma in Pharmacy that The acute shortage of professionally qualified
seeks to train pharmaceutical technicians. teachers at schools led Katima Mulilo Campus
In 2015, a new Master of Pharmacy (Clinical to introduce diploma and degree courses in
Pharmacy) was approved by the University. education targeted at enhancing the quality of
These measures provide a systematic education delivery in the Zambezi Region. The
pathway to strengthening the pharmacy regular outbreaks of animal diseases (anthrax,
workforce in Namibia, ultimately improving foot and mouth) in the region have detrimental
patient care and reducing harm by medicines, effects on communal farmers who rely on crop
and stimulating growth in the health and and livestock farming. As a direct response to
pharmaceutical industries. this challenge, the Campus now hosts an Animal
Health Department, that collaborates with the
During the period under review, the School local State Veterinary Department to contain
provided a quality learning environment that animal disease outbreaks. Furthermore, the
is conducive to the pursuit of professional steady increase of wildlife and human populations
competence, while providing services to in the newly established conservancies has led
the community and undertaking relevant to a sharp increase of wildlife-human conflicts
translational research to enhance health. in the Zambezi Region. Hence, the Campus
introduced a BSc degree programme in wildlife
d) Hifikepunye Pohamba Campus and ecotourism management, with the aim to
Student enrolment at the Campus continues to produce skilled personnel who can contribute to
grow every year, and the number of students the management of wildlife and conservation,
graduating each year has always been the as well as design environmental programmes
highest at this Campus, relative to other northern that mitigate wildlife-human conflicts.
UNAM campuses. For the year under review, the
campus offered the English Access Programme As part of the effort to enhance its global image
to about 90 students, who improved their and recognition, the Campus has continued to
English in order to meet the requirements of the enter into strategic MoUs in the areas of research
University. It is the Campus’s wish to offer higher and training with internationally renowned
education and training to meet the needs and universities. During the year under review, the
aspirations of the Namibian people. Campus, through the Department of Wildlife
Management and Ecotourism, initiated an MoU
The Hifikepunye Pohamba Campus participated with Porto University (Portugal) and Cologne
in a number of notable research activities. Key University (Germany) for long-term collaborative
among them was a research project, in the form research that will contribute substantially to
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