Page 28 - UNAM Annual Report 2017
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curriculum development, research skills and add value to Namibian society, since education
economic development of the region and the is the only weapon we have against social ills. The
country at large. Campus has identified five principles or ideals that
can be used to achieve that: a spirit of teamwork,
Katima Mulilo Campus, with the third-highest an open-door policy, transparency and honesty,
enrolment of students of the 12 university campuses, communication, and respect for self, students,
envisages attracting more local and international the environment and diversity (language, religion,
students after the construction of a modest extension culture, opinion). The Campus has many facilities
on Campus. The state of the art extension project that are used by the UNAM community, such
of Katima Mulilo Campus, worth N$130 million, will as The Science Foundation, Language Centre
be funded by Kredite fur Wideraufbau (KfW) and is (English Access and Chinese Mandarin), and the
now at an advanced stage. The completion of the larger community, such as the library, a gym, a
KfW-funded project will attract more international hall, a swimming pool, a cafeteria and sports fields.
staff and students to nature conservation-related The staff on campus is just as diverse in skill and
programmes in the Zambezi Region, which is home service and, despite changes in management
to abundant wildlife. and staff, the Campus still offers the required
services. In its quest for excellence, the Campus
During the year under review, the Campus is, within means, constantly upgrading its facilities.
held a workshop to plan for the upcoming These upgrades include extending, renovating
BSc Honours curriculum review and the and making the buildings more accessible to
development of curriculum for the introduction people living with disabilities, and the Campus has
of an MSc programme in wildlife management undergone a space audit to assist in maximising
and ecotourism. Currently, some staff members the use of the space available. The Campus has
are involved in staff development, one of whom also, since 2015, been the site of the Faculty of
is at Oregon State University (USA), under the Education’s vacation schools, in which some staff
collaborative programme on research and members are trainers in the programmes.
training. As part of the continued professional
development plan, training workshops were The Campus hosts three educational
presented for for staff members on advanced programmes (the junior primary teaching
statistical analysis. diploma, junior primary degree programme
and upper primary degree programme). It
The process of reviewing the Advanced Diploma also hosts the Science Foundation Bridging
in Animal Health curriculum started during the Programme and the Language Centre’s English
period under review. A workshop will be held in Access and Intensive programme. The Diploma
2018 to solicit relevant stakeholders’ input, and for Junior Primary Inset Programme (DJPE) for
benchmarking will be done with curricula at unqualified and underqualified teachers has
other, similar institutions. The focus will be on skills been implemented. Vacation schools were held
development and entrepreneurial capacitation, in May to offer the courses of the programme.
to enable graduates to have a head start after
graduation. The Campus is involved in curriculum review
of programmes, which is done by various
f) Khomasdal Campus units, such as in the ELHC Department, the
Ideally situated at the heart of two formerly Educational Foundations and Management
diverse worlds, the Khomasdal Campus is the (EFM) Department, and The Science Foundation.
beacon of hope for many aspirant teachers and Accreditation and a Centre for Quality
educators. Its vision is becoming a developmental Assurance and Management (CEQUAM)/NHCE
centre of excellence striving to produce and Self Evaluation Report for the pre and lower
nurture teachers relevant for the 21st century. primary degree that is registered on the NQA
The Campus aspires to produce educators who curriculum framework has been completed.
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