Page 4 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Omoregie
P. 4


                The Vice Chancellor
                The Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs and Research)
                The Pro Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration)
                Registrar and other Management Officers of the University
                Deans and Directors of various units in the University of Namibia
                Professors and other members of Senate of the University of Namibia
                Heads of Department
                Members of Academic Staff
                Distinguished Invited Guests
                Ladies and Gentlemen of the Print and Electronic Media
                Ladies and Gentlemen

          It is with a deep sense of joy and fulfillment that I stand with this gathering this
          evening to deliver this professorial lecture as one of the events marking the 20
          anniversary of the University of Namibia; the national University of the Republic
          of Namibia. Though 20 years in the life of a University can be said to be relatively
          short,  it  is  worth  noting  that  the  University  of  Namibia  has  achieved  a  lot  in
          developing the human resources in the ‘Land of the Brave’; celebrating 2 decades
          of excellence is indeed a milestone.

          I share the view that a ‘Professorial Lecture’ is a celebration of some sort, and as it
          practiced in many universities all over the world, a ‘professorial lecture marks a
          significant event in the life of the University. It usually forms a platform for the
          University to distill contemporary issues of the day at the level of generality that
          falls  within  the  field  of  the  Professor  to  a  wider  audience.  This  is  to  enable  a
          mixed audience to appreciate the nuances and complexities of the chosen field of
          the Professor, but at the same time maintain the minimum level of technicalities
          necessary to preserve the integrity of the issue.

          This Lecture focuses on contemporary issues in the field of Marine Science and
          Fisheries Management and has been carefully chosen by the Management of the
          University  of  Namibia  to  take  place  in  the  coastal  town  of  Swakopmund.  The
          purpose of bring the lecture to the coast is  to target the fishing industries and

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