Page 6 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Omoregie
P. 6


          Ladies and Gentlemen, in a lecture of this nature, the best starting point is to take
          the distinguished audience through the timeline of the evolution of the universe,
          the origin of the marine environment, the beginning of life itself, the appearance
          of human, and the beginning of exploitation of marine resources by humans.

          According  to  Cosmologists,  the  Big  Bang  theory  of  the  origin  of  the  Universe
          would  have  occurred  approximately  13.75  billion  years  ago.  The  Science  of
          Evolution revealed that life on earth probably started about 4.6 billion years ago.
          For a very considerable length of time (over 4 billion of the 4.6 billion), life was
          restricted to the aquatic environment in microscopic form.

          The very first form of life on land was just about 420 million years ago, it was not
          until 65 million years ago that mammals became the most advanced form of life.

                                                               Appearance of
                                                               Homo sapiens
                                                               (modern man)
          Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, it is only recently that upright-standing two-
          legged primates appeared on evolutionary time-scale - just around 4 million years
          ago, and homo sapiens (modern man) only came into the picture around 400,000
          years  ago.  The  first  record  of  human’s  agrarian  civilization  (gathering  and
          domestication of plants and animals) only started about 6,000 years ago.

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