Page 11 - The Haughty Elephant
P. 11
The fox hobbled up the path along the riverbank
and saw a tiger wading and rolling in a pond.
“Mr. Tiger,” he said, puffing. “There is a message
for you from our king.”
“A message from your king?” growled the tiger.
“Who is he?”
“He’s huge,” said the fox. “He orders you not to
muddy the stream.”
“I can do whatever I want!” growled the tiger.
“Who is your king?”
“It’s Mr. Elephant,” said the fox. “He orders you
not to muddy the stream. He is having a bath.”
“I am taking a bath, too,” replied the tiger.
“It would be wiser for you to leave this water, or
else you’d be in big trouble.”
The tiger thought for a while and walked away
from the stream.