Page 144 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 144
138 tHe ULtiMAte Book oF DecorAtive knots
handling techniques and recommended tools. As
with all covering knots that are used to cover rails,
it is difficult to get full coverage on a curved rail
rather than a straight one. A gradual curve will work
out OK most of the time, but be very careful when
trying to tie a covering around a rail that has a curve
of less than twelve units to one, measuring the curve
radius and the rail radius for the ratio. A one-inch 2 – then make a Half Hitch
radius (two-inch diameter) pipe will not be easily or with the middle strand, again
well covered with cockscombing (or coachwhipping) under the remaining strands
if it bends through a curve that has less than a (here only one remains)…
twelve-inch radius on the inside of the curve.
type 1: three-strand
running underhand
This style is known as underhand cockscombing
because each of the following Half Hitches is made
beneath the previous one. Make sure you keep the – and finally make a Half
individual Half Hitches separate from each other. 3 Hitch with the
This means you will be working under another remaining strand.
strand from time to time. If you are using the same-
coloured strands for all parts of the pattern, it is
easy to become confused. Remember to practise,
practise, and practise again!
4 make a Half Hitch with the
first strand, but this time
in the opposite direction
and still under the other
5 repeat Stage 2, to the left,
with the middle strand under
the remaining one…
1 Seize all three strands to the piece and make
a Half Hitch under the other strands with the
outer right-hand strand…