Page 148 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 148
142 tHe ULtiMAte Book oF DecorAtive knots
The finished running
overhand has a three-
dimensional quality, such
that the red, white, and
blue appear to be standing
well above the base rail.
2 – take the leftmost strand and pass it over one
(red) and under the other three (white, blue,
yellow) to the right, then bring it round behind
the piece…
type 5: Five-strand sinnet
The final type shown, out of many different types,
shows that you can really use any number of
strands to make the cockscombing, if the piece is
wide enough to take the pattern developed with
the five strands, so be sure to choose wisely! 3 – and Half Hitch it under everything, tail to the
the strands used. The piece used here (a cardboard
tube) is just broad enough to show off the pattern of
right and below the other two.
This style of cockscombing requires a slightly
wider piece to be covered, because we have so many
more strands to use.
1 Seize all five strands to the piece, three to the left 4 now take the right (yellow) strand over the
blue and under the green, white, and red to the
and two to the right…