Page 146 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 146
140 tHe ULtiMAte Book oF DecorAtive knots
type 3: alternating
three-strand running
cockscombing (also
known as common
The finished simple cockscombing)
running cockscombing Now we return to forming Half Hitches from
enables a quick and easy single strands, but this time alternating directions
covering of the piece, and with each strand instead of having all three go one
can be finished with a
Turk’s Head or a Spanish way and then the next. When making this style of
Ring Knot. cockscombing the action of making it is one that
can be conducted without even looking in close
detail at what is being made – you could sit at the
table and read a book, or in your favourite backyard
lounge chair keeping an eye on the children or
grandchildren while covering a piece.
3 Half Hitch the left (red) strand to the right…
1 Seize all strands to the piece and Half Hitch the
right (blue) strand to the
2 Half Hitch the 4
middle (white)
strand to the
left… Half Hitch the next (blue) strand to the left…