Page 364 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 364
358 the ultimate book of decorative knots
The finished Lotus Bud Knot in a single cord and, below, a two-colour Lotus
Bud Knot.
together during the making of the knot, although
the one mind knot there is less time spent adjusting if the cords do
(dongsimgyeol maedup) lie together! The initial construction of holding all
I have found no explanation as to why this knot is loops together is not an easy task; it will help to pin
called One Mind Knot, although clearly all strands it to a board the first few times you make it. Once
have one mind in making their way through the the four loops have been crowned over each other, it
knot! In Western treatments this is the Sailor’s is straightforward and the knot holds together well.
Cross or Good Luck Knot, as it is also in Chinese This is a particularly good knot to use as a brooch
Knotting. As you will see from the photographs, or pendant and it should be sprayed with a fabric
it is not essential to keep all cords exactly flat and stiffener to help hold the cords in place.
1 take two contrasting cords together and form a 2 set your thumb on top of the cords’ centre and
wrap the two ends of the cords up and over
cross structure, having equal length arms left, right,
your thumb.
and top.