Page 172 - 低年級 Fun World 3 備課用書
P. 172

Unit 1

                                         1         Aa Bb Cc

       1   10     ʦ˂݊කኪ˚dୋɓੀఱ݊ɽ࢕௰ఃᛇٙ௢ϼࢪהɪٙࠪᆀሙfRuby ˓ࣅഹࣣձ Pat ๟௪ආ
                  ઺܃ɪሙdίԐ̘઺܃ٙ௄ʕd˼ࡁ޶Ց Domingo ϼࢪ͍ίݹ˓̨ݹ؎ɿdϞ৳ʃ௢කː

                  ݂ღٙዱظdЫءจՑə෗k૒ɿٙிۨ݊ʔ݊ܘ྅ߵ˖ο͎ A ճkϾԐ఼ɪᒔϞՇ৳ፂᖻ
                  ͍Υɢซยৎɓᒶᘼ؈fɪሙᙒᑊᚤৎdRuby ձ Pat ࠅ̋ၡ໔ӉdႼҞආ઺܃ᚿf

       1   11     Today is the first day of school. The first class is music class. All the kids love Miss Bird’s music

                  class. Ruby takes a book and walks to the classroom with Pat. They see Mr. Domingo washing
                  his cup at the sink. There’s a bird chirping and a cat meowing in the hallway. Mr. Monkey is on
                  a ladder and trying to fix the light bulb. Did you notice that the shape of the ladder looks like

                  an upper case A? There are also two ants working together to carry a big apple. The bell rings.
                  Ruby and Pat need to get a move on to the classroom.

                  ʦ˂݊කኪୋɓ˂fୋɓੀ݊ࠪᆀሙf܀ɿࡁ௰ఃᛇɪ௢ϼࢪٙࠪᆀሙəfRuby ˓ࣅഹࣣ
                  ձ Pat ๟௪Ԑ̘઺܃f˼ࡁ޶Ց Domingo ϼࢪίݹ˓̨ݹ؎ɿfϞ৳௢ίᄠᄠఉఉ̣dᒔ

                  ܘ྅ɽᄳٙߵ˖ο͎ A ճkᒔϞՇ৳ፂᖻ͍Υɢซยৎɓᒶɽᘼ؈fɪሙᙒᚤfRuby ձ Pat

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